Chapter 871. Soluna's Hesitation.

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When Soluna didn't hear the words of rejection she was expecting, her eyes flew open as she gathered her courage and looked up at the giant dragon head looming over her body.

'She didn't reject me?' Soluna had to ask in her head because the situation felt unreal. 'O-OH! SHE DIDN'T REJECT ME!'

Yasenia was going to speak further, but she saw Soluna, quite literally, burst into a pillar of flames.


The golden and silvery pillar that shot skywards left the dragoness speechless. 'I-Is she that excited?'

She moved the tip of one of her enormous claws, which were around 15 meters long, and poked the flaming spirit. "Soluna, relax a bit." Yasenia laughed. "You are going to melt our surroundings."

Soluna snapped out of her excited state, but her body kept swirling with flames. Thankfully, she wasn't spewing them out in a massive pillar like before. "I-I've relaxed, Yasenia!"

The dragoness really wanted to tell her that she didn't, but with the possibility of those words making the Spirit lose control again, she held them back. Instead, she said. "Wait a second, Soluna, I want to change back to my human form. While I like being in my dragon form, it is a bit inconvenient to move around the sect."

Soluna nodded a few times. "A-After all, if mortals see your majestic body for too long, they might die of a heart attack!"

Yasenia, thankfully, was a four-legged creature, or she would've probably tripped after hearing that comment. 'Ah... Whatever, let's not correct her.'

Before she transformed, Tatyana floated in front of her face and spoke. "When you are transforming back, if you follow the same process as you did before, you will become a lot taller. So, focus on your form quite a lot unless you want to become a 3-meter tall woman, hahaha."

The dragoness blinked and imagined herself cradling all of her dears as if they were cute children. She couldn't help but feel tempted to become that large.

However, Tatyana, who knew her little treasure well, warned. "Everything is proportional. Unless you want to break them in half at night, I recommend maintaining your previous height."

Yasenia's mind went toward the night action situation, and her lips twitched. 'I would kill them... Too big!'

Convinced by Tatyana, she decided to be careful and keep her usual height. The dragon closed her eyes and began gathering energy.

A powerful hurricane of energies surrounded Yasenia as she began absorbing energy to change back into her humanoid body. The energy quantity she was absorbing for the process was ridiculously high.

It was to the point that the energy density in the sect noticeably decreased. While the change was not large, high-level cultivators were able to feel it, which brought about another round of surprise.

Amidst the hurricane of energies, Yasenia's body shrunk and she transformed back into her humanoid form.

As she decreased in size, she regained her human features. Her limbs changed, her scales slowly melted into skin, and her wings gently folded into her. Everything was gradually but constantly changing.

As it was the first time she transformed back, Yasenia was careful and took her time.

Around ten minutes later, the seductive and curvaceous dragoness appeared, wearing her usual seductive blue dress with empyrean images etched on it. Her beauty, as she had increased her realm, increased in not a physical, but more in an ethereal manner.

Her eyes appeared to radiate light, and her skin looked as if it was made of the finest silk. The body's enthralling aura was even more enchanting, giving her an otherworldly beauty that could charm mortal men and women with a single glance.

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