The Scariest Part

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The scariest part of the fall

Isn't the tumble down—

It's finding the courage to stand tall,

Dust off the pieces,

And take one step forward.

The first date after the storm feels hollow,

Like stepping onto shattered glass

With bare feet—

Every question sharp,

Every laugh tentative,

Like testing the ground for cracks.

How do I ask you your favourite colour

When I still remember his?

How do I sit across from you

And not wonder if your smile

Will one day be a memory

I'll have no place to store?

You'll tell me your mother's name,

The way you take your coffee,

And I'll memorize it all,

Though I fear the weight of knowledge 

I may one day carry,

Useless and heavy,

Like old love letters I can't bring myself to burn.

I've done this before

Let someone in,

And felt the walls of my heart crumble.

And yet, here I am,

Eyes wide open,

Waiting to see if it's worth it.

Would I try again?

Do I dare?

I guess we're all about to find out.


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