Heartbreak is strange,
A tug-of-war inside,
Part of me still loves you,
Though you tore me apart.
My heart wants you back,
But my body pulls away—
A silent disagreement
That leaves me confused.
Do we even get to choose?
Or is it all just fate?
My mind says no, not again,
But my heart? It's ready to break,
To risk it all once more
For a love that hurt before.
I another life,
I might not hesitate,
But this feels different,
Heavier, like a weight.
If the world were ending
I'd run to you, no doubt,
Though my mind screams,
"You're not the one."
What do you listen to—
The heart that clings,
Or the mind that knows better?
Maybe, in the end,
We don't really choose.
The universe steps in,
Decides for us,
And we're just left
With all the pieces.

Surviving Heartbreak
PoetryA lover girl who got her heart broken one too many times and now ended up writing poetry about it