In That Lifetime

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Last night, I dreamed of us—
a little older, but still you,
with that same beautiful smile
and those dark brown eyes
that once held my whole world.

I could hear children in the background,
voices like echoes of a life
we never lived,
and when I looked into your eyes,
I saw everything—
our forever.

The dream felt like forever, too,
though in reality, it was just a moment,
a fleeting glimpse of what might have been.
And when I woke up,
for the first time,
I didn't wish to fall back in,
didn't long for the dream to continue.

Instead, I stood before the mirror,
gazing at the person I've become,
and whispered softly,
"At least I have you in that lifetime."

And that was enough.
Enough to carry on with my day,
to move forward
with a peace I didn't know I needed.
The kind of closure
that comes not with finality,
but with acceptance.


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