If You Love Someone You Tell Them

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You once told me the timing wasn't right

When you wanted to tell me how you felt.

But I told you then, and I'll say it again—

There's never a "perfect" time

To tell someone you love them.

There's always going to be something,

Stopping you from expressing yourself.

You just have to wing it

And see where it lands.

There is no script for love,

No magical moment when the stars align.

If you love someone,

You tell them the second you see them again.

You put it out there in the world,

No matter how scared you are of getting hurt.

What's scarier?

Being vulnerable and risking broken heart,

Or living with the regret 

Of never knowing what could have been

Because you were too afraid to speak?

Think about it—

What if they feel the same,

But neither of you is brave enough to say it?

What if both of you are waiting

For a sign that will never come?

The next time they ask you out for coffee,

Or invite you for a ride,

If you feel it, say it.

Don't wait for the "right" time 

Because there's only now,

Only this chance to be real.

The universe won't punish you

For expressing your truth,

And neither should you.

So take that leap,

Wear your heart on your sleeve,

And let love find it's way.


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