I always thought I was the flaw,
Too quick to give, too eager to draw.
I gave my heart away too soon,
To those who never saw the moon.I wanted them to feel the love,
To be seen, cherished, to rise above.
All the things I yearned for deep,
In their hearts, I wished to keep.But now, as I look back and see,
The problem was not just with me.
I gave so much, yet lost my own,
Forgot to love the heart I'd known.I didn't save a piece for me,
In loving others, I lost what should be.
I gave away the best I had,
Neglecting the self-love I never clad.It hurts to face this painful truth,
That self-love was my missing root.
The problem wasn't the love I gave,
But the love I failed to save.Now I realize, it's time to mend,
To love myself, to start again.
For in giving all I had to them,
I forgot to cherish my own gem.—MistakenGenius

Surviving Heartbreak
PoetryA lover girl who got her heart broken one too many times and now ended up writing poetry about it