This poem is inspired by one of my closest friends, she brought to my attention that loving people in this generation is like books, you open it up, read a few pages get bored and put it back so I wrote a poem about it...
Love in this generation, strange and unsure,
We're all like books, with stories so pure.
They pick us up, eyes scanning our spines,
Drawn in by the cover, ignoring the signs.
They open our pages, just the first few,
Excitement flickers as we're something new.
But soon they grow bored, the thrill starts to fade,
They place us back down, forgotten, betrayed.
Then comes the next, shiny and bright,
They read just enough to feel that spark of light.
But when memories stir, they turn back the page,
Pick us up again, unaware of the rage.
Not knowing the hurt that lingers inside,
The pain of being shelved, cast aside.
For both the old and new, the wounds cut deep,
Stories left untold, promises they won't keep.
We're all like books in a world so fast,
Where love's just a moment, it rarely lasts.
But every chapter, every line we've bled,
Is more than a cover that's left unread.
—MistakenGenius (ft. my bestie)

Surviving Heartbreak
PoesiaA lover girl who got her heart broken one too many times and now ended up writing poetry about it