No More Maybe's

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I've stopped living in what if's and maybe's,
No matter how much I want something,
Or someone—if it's not meant for me,
It will never be mine, and that's a truth I'm learning.

I'm learning to wait, to be still,
For the one who's truly right,
Because those maybe's and what if's
Never led me to the light.

He didn't want to be the one,
It's as simple as that,
And somewhere, someone will—
Someone who'll love me back.

I'm done with being sad,
Over boys who only bring me pain,
I've come to accept what's meant for me
Will always find its way again.

The universe knows better than I,
It gives me what I need,
And so, I let my mind rest,
No longer chasing, no longer pleading.

If he's meant to be mine,
He'll come and find me where I stand,
No more running, no more waiting,
I'm giving the universe my hand.


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