If I forget

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If by some chance I forget about him

In this lifetime, please don't remind me.

If there comes a day when his face no longer haunts my thoughts,

When his name slips quietly from my memory—

Don't speak it, don't bring him back to life.

If I make it through a whole day,

A week, a lifetime without the weight of him

In my heart, don't tell me about the love we shared.

Don't tell me about the moments that burned bright,

Or the ones that lingered long after.

Instead, remind me how I chose myself.

Tell me how I walked away with my head held high,

How I finally put me first.

Tell me about the strength it took

To turn my back on what could never be.

I'm not asking for lies, 

But if you see the shadows of forgetting settle over me,

Don't pull me back into the darkness.

Let me be free.

I fought hard to forget him,

And if I've finally done it,

Don't let anyone ruin that victory for me.


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