The Magic In Heartbreak

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I was never one for books or poetry—

I liked the idea of love, sure,

But I never thought it was for me.

I couldn't see myself as a poet;

I never had the words,

Never had a story to tell.

Then I fell in love,

And it was magic, pure and simple.

Because that's what love is, isn't it?


I thought, "Now I have it,

Something to write about."

But before I knew it,

My heart was broken for the first time,

Overflowing with love,

With nowhere to go,

No one to give it to.

So I thought, "Fine, I'll write about heartbreak."

How naïve of me to think that's how it ends.

Because just as I started,

He walked into my life,

And I believed in love all over again.

I let myself hope.

And, as you might guess

From the title of this book,

He didn't stay either.

He left as quickly as he came.

I told myself this time,

"I will write it all down."

So here I am,

3 a.m. on a lonely Tuesday,

Not writing about love,

Not even about loss.

But about the twist we never see coming—

That maybe, just maybe,

Every piece of this journey,

Every broken fragment,

Will be worth it in the end.

Because somehow,

Everything finds its meaning in the end.


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