Happiness That Cost Us

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I'm scared to find out
you've moved on—
I'm not saying you have,
but the thought alone
makes me wonder
if I could survive it.

Maybe I'm selfish,
but I fear someone else
knowing you the way I did,
holding the same pieces of you
I once held so close.
I wasn't your first,
others knew parts of you
before I did,
but back then, it was us,
and I could live with that.

Now, it isn't us anymore.

I know how he is—
kind, funny, sarcastic,
a tease that made me laugh.
I didn't fall in love instantly—
he won me over, slowly.
Now I'm scared
because I think I've lost him,
and all the love
he used to give so easily.

It terrifies me
that someone else
might taste his lips,
feel his hugs pull them tight,
hear his heart beating
through his chest
the way I did.

I want him to be happy,
I swear I do.
But I wish we didn't have to end
just to find that happiness.


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