Take The Turn

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I've made my choice,
let me miss him.
Missing him doesn't mean
I chose wrong;
it's just another stage
of heartbreak's long, winding road.

We all arrive here,
accepting what we thought
we'd never allow.
It's normal,
to miss the voice
that once filled your days,
to want to call,
yet know no good
will come of it.

It's okay
to catch yourself
almost driving past his house,
memories tugging the wheel,
but then—
you take the turn.
Not for him,
not for those feelings,
but because you know
going back
won't heal
what's been left behind.

Being alone
is a cold, unfamiliar ache
when warmth had a name,
when comfort had a face.
But no second thoughts—
no regrets.
You made the decision
that maybe
he already had.

Missing him
means it was real,
something true,
and yes, painful.
But your choice to let go
honors your self-respect,
your boundaries.

So take that turn.
Every day,
take it again.
Hold back the call,
the impulse,
the longing.
Stay the course.
Because healing is not forgetting—
it's choosing,
again and again,
to move forward.


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