Thank You, And-

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You were my first love. The first to truly see me, love me, and hold me like no one had before. You are the reason I believe in love, because I had it—with you. When I was with you, I felt invincible, like nothing in this world could hurt me or bring me down. I didn't think it was humanly possible to love someone that much—until I met you.

You made me feel things I had never felt before. With you, I experienced a kind of love that was new, raw, and powerful. You were the first person I opened up to, the first person I loved and cared for deeply. You started as a stranger, but somehow, you became my greatest love—and my greatest lesson.

You were my first real love, genuine and free, but you were also my biggest heartbreak. I don't think I've ever been happier than I was when you entered my life. But when you left, you took a piece of me that I have yet to find again.

I had never known such pain. It felt like everything around me was collapsing, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I felt trapped.

I never saw myself as a poet. I didn't think I had stories to tell, and I never thought I was good at it. But this—writing about us—has literally saved my life. It helped me see things more clearly, from both your perspective and mine.

This book is everything you put me through—love, anger, happiness, and in the end, heartbreak. I've turned it all into poetry. So thank you—for the love, the heartbreak, and, ultimately, the poetry.

I couldn't wish for a better first love or for a better heartbreak. Thank you for the lessons, thank you for the pain, and I will forever be eternally grateful for the love.

So, thank you for the part in my journey. You've set out good examples for my next lovers, and although I will never compare you or be able to completely forget you, I'm letting you go.


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