Year 1-2

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Edited February 7, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

You enter the station after you dismount your wolf. As you walk in every one looks at you. You guess no one is used to see a wolf as a pet. You see a group of red heads and decide to ask them how to get to platform 9 3/4. You've lived with your father but never came through Kings Cross and mode of transportation. You always preferred floo or broom.

"Um, excuse me?" You ask the mother of the five children.

"Yes, dearie?" She answers

"Um, I er, don't know how to get to platform-"

"9 3/4? It's easy all you have to do is walk through that brick support. Just don't worry you will get though it just fine. My my your wolf is beautiful. How did you manage to keep it?"

"Oh she's just my family's sacred animal," You said pointing to the crest. "Thank you so much. I would have been lost with out you." You get on your wolf and, as if she knew what she was to do, ran like a freed Gringotts cart towards the pillar. Then she dove into it. You squeezed your eye color (e/c) eyes shut thinking that You'd  just slam into the bricks, but instead You run into Hagrid. Midnight gets spooked and bolts up the stairs to the entrance of a train car. You slow Midnight to halt and unstrap yourself from the saddle and use the reins as a leash and enter a empty train car. Midnight jumps onto the seat with you and puts her head on your lap. The saddle bags are small but have a permanent expansion and weightless spell on them so you can put anything in them without weighing Midnight down. It's very useful because you have seven large text books that weigh a ton each. You should put that on your book bag for school. It'll help you.

Screech! The compartment door slides open and in comes Draco with three companions. One was a girl, by the name of Pansy Parkinson. The two others were Crabbe and Goyle. Two burly mean boys who hate almost anything but are scared of Draco. Midnight sees Draco coming to sit next to you and gets up. She looks at Draco and then you and sighs and then laid down at your feet.

"Hi, Yn! How did you do?" Draco asks you. You notice Pansy trying to squeeze next to Draco, but gives up and leaves the compartment.

"Did she want to sit?" You ask Draco. He looks up from his journal and shakes his head.

"That girl has been hanging around me the whole day! I'm so done with being next to her so, I'm glad she's gone. I wanted to ask what wand did you get? I got a kin to my father's wand," Draco responds looking at your pocket. You remove your wand from your cloak pocket. Crabbe snatches it from your hand and the wand glows golden with a blood red haze and burns Crabbe's hand. Crabbe yelps and hands it to Goyle in which the same thing happens. Goyle throws your wand out the window and laughs thinking your wand is permanently gone. You look down at your right hand (a/n: pretend you're right handed if you aren't) to see it has returned.

"Have you boys learned what NOT to do with Yn's wand?" Draco asks Crabbe and Goyle.

"It's gold!" Crabbe said stupidly.

"It's gold!" Goyle agreed.

"You're both too stupid to know that it's Yn's. You idiots!" Draco cries. He motions to the wand. "Can you show me what it does?"

"Um, for Crabbe's burned hand," You say then you thought Curare (heal his hand) and a sky blue light shoots out and Crabbe's hands were healed.

"That's amazing! You just thought what you wanted and it did it. May hold it or will it hurt me?" Draco asks.

"I don't know let my place it in your wand hand?" You ask. Do not burn Draco, you thought and placed it in his hand. Ichor didn't hurt him. Draco's brows were scrunched in concentration and he willed it to mute the door but it didn't do it. Wait how can you read his thoughts? You look at the wand and realised that if you give the wand to someone, you can read their thoughts. Strange. Mute the door, you thought and it obeyed with a violet light.

"Woah! Did do that?" Draco says amazed, looking at you staring at your wand. Ichor, I need you! Your wand zoomed to your hand. Your muttered counter and un mute the door so you could hear the announcements. Draco opens his bag extracting four sandwiches and handing one to each. Yours was (favorite sandwich)

"How'd your mom know what I liked?" You asked Draco.

"I know you. Like you know me. I told her what your favorite sandwich was and she made it," Draco responded then continued to eat and write in his journal. You take a bite of yours and closed your eyes. The sandwich tasted heavenly.  Narcissa Malfoy makes the best of sandwiches. You always loved her cooking. Whenever You stayed at Malfoy Manner, well every summer and holiday or when your dad was away, she'd always cook so she kinda became your mother you never had. You see the London houses fly passed the window into fields of cows and farmhouses. You look over to Draco's head on your shoulder. You charge your phone and put in your earphones careful not to disturb Draco. You listen to (favorite bands) and while you read some muggle books. Even though you were a witch by blood, you learned muggle arithmetic and went to a public pre-school-4th grade school. You were pulled out this year so instead of your fifth grade year, you're attending Hogwarts. All of the students are going away from home, but you're going home.

"You know what house you'll be in?" Draco asks you, breaking you thoughts.

"Ugh I hope I'm not in Gryffindor because I'd like to be in my father's house, Slytherin," you say.

"I'm going to put my robes on now, so I'm going to be back. I hope the rest of you put your robes on too I expect that when I come back you have too," Draco says as he exits the room. You look down and realized you had already changed and reach to pet Midnight. you remember you're only allowed to own an owl, rat, or cat, but you had an exception because you're different. The boys went to change as you held up a towel to prevent you from seeing them change.

All of a sudden Midnight growls and snaps at Crabbe and Goyle's feet.

"We're changed," they chorus and you take down the towel to see Midnight attempting to eat Draco's pen. You take the pen from her and place it back on Draco's journal just as he enters and see what you were in the act of.

"Hey were your reading my journal?" Draco asks you looking embarrassed.

"No, Midnight was trying to eat your quill. I just thought you'd be happy with your pen uneaten. Or at least with some teeth marks but not completely ruined," you respond looking at Draco directly in the eyes. He picked up his pen and started scribbling in his journal. The train slowed to a stop.
LEAVE YOUR TRUNKS ON THE TRAIN. Came the announcement regarding the students as you all poured out in to the hallways.

"Yn, stick with me!" Draco shouts in your ear but you are pulled back and thrown into the sea of children. You grab the reins to Midnight and pull her along. You stumble onto a boat with Midnight in tow. Pansy and another girl also boards your boat talking about the houses. Once you get there, you are greeted by none other than Professor McGonagall, head of Gryffindor.

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