Desolation's Aftermath

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Edited May 11, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name. Fred does NOT die, Arthur does, -R. W.

You follow the man past the destruction of the school now mending itself together. You walk in to a room lined with the fallen students and faculty of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You see the Weasley family hunched over a body crying a river. You see sisters or brothers crying over their parents you see parents sobbing over their children no matter what age. This is the result of a war. When you passed the families, they'd look up and beg you to bid their deceased members a good night and safe travels into the spirit world. You made your way around the families bidding them the rest easy and be calm when you came up to Ron's family.

"Arthur!" Molly wailed. You look to see what the bogart had foretold.

"No!" You gasp horrified.

"Yn, oh! Yn!" Ginny says holding onto Harry.

"I'm so sorry!" You whisper not to upset Molly.

"I just wish that dad hadn't died because he would've seen Ron and Hermione's wedding! And who's going to walk me down the isle?" Ginny wails.

"I could," Ron says.

"I have to go," you say walking toward the last figure lying on the mat.

"I want to pay homage to the bravest man I ever knew. I just missed the chance to say sorry. I'm just-" Harry babbled.

"I think he knows, Harry. I think he would forgive you any day," you say turning away from Snape and walk back to the Weasleys

"I think he would," a voice says behind you.

"Dad?" You ask turning around to find Snape sitting up. You run over to him and hug him lovingly.

"Do you remember what I said?" Snape asks. You give him a blank face. Snape looks hurt and whispers into your ear, "I promise when all of this is over, we will live in a happy home and put the past away." You smile happily.

"Yes, I'd like that," you said grinning.

"Let's invite Harry to live with us," Snape suggests.

"Okay! HARRY!" You called. Harry came running over to you and glomped Snape sobbing into his robes.

"I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE PROTECTING ME!!!!!" Harry shouts muffled by Snape's robes.

"Harry, it's okay. I wanted to make you hate me because I couldn't stand the fact that if you got hurt, I couldn't do anything about it. Yn let me soften up to you because she knows why. She's a smart girl, my daughter is," Snape says grinning and enveloping you and Harry in a bear hug.

"I love you daddy," you say.

"I love," Harry says smiling.

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