Year 1-7

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Edited March 16, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"So you know the truth behind why the professors are afraid to say you last name," a voice says behind you.
"I don't went to be a Riddle!" you shout. "What happens if I become my brother's successor? I'd have to kill my brother and I don't want to do that! I need him for comfort of our messed up lives!" you whirl around to see Hermione standing with a book.

"Hey, no need to yell at me! I was just saying that it's so cool to say your related to the Dark Lord!"

"How can you say that! It's a curse not a pleasure!"

"No, no, no, I mean you are the key to defeating him! You know his weakness. You may not know it now, but you, in time, will know."

"It's just so crazy! Because I know that the essence of what he was is here! I just don't know where!"

"Got to warn Harry! You can't let him get hurt!" Hermione called after you ran to charms.
*le time skip brought to you by running*
"Now repeat after me!: wingardium leviosa"

You point the wand at the feather and thought raise the feather. You watched it keep rising. Hover.  It stopped and hovered just above Professor Feltwick.

"Excellent, Miss Riddle! How did you- oh I see that wand you have can destroy anything and bring the anyone the has died to life just by thinking it do be careful of why you choose to enchant." Then Professor Feltwick fell off his book stack. Draco looked at your wand, his face contorted in thought.

"Whatcha thinking?" You ask.

"I'm just thinking how if I had the wand, what I would do with it. What would you do with it?" Draco asks.

"I would use it to do good! Though I want my parents to be alive, they died for a reason I will learn in time so I with hold resurrecting them until I know why I really want to."

The class ended and lunch was next. You stared at your watch to see that you skipped  four classes in between the dark plunge in the dungeon. Over dinner you scribbled down instructions to getting the stone. Once you wrote the instructions down, you run over to the Gryffindor table and shove it in to Harry's hand. He looked at me with a confused expression.

"Just keep it with you, AT ALL TIMES." You said as you jogged back to your table. The Slytherin's Quiddich team was practicing during lunch so they were hungry when they sat down to dinner. You dug into your steak and liver pie and was attempting to eat when Draco comes behind you.

"Yn, why'd the professors start calling you Riddle?" Draco asks.

"Cuz it's my last name."

"But aren't you a Potter?"

"Yes but I, by curse, am related to Lord Voldemort." A hush falls onto the dining hall as the mention of the Dark Lord come out of you mouth. Professor Quarrel comes over to you and drags you out of the dining hall. He unwraps his turban and puts his back to you. As the turban falls away you see a winkled face. With still a nose. It opens a slit that is the mouth.

"Yn, I need you to get the stone. You can't refuse your dying brother can you?" The face said. You back up so far that you're pressed against the wall. You're not thinking. The face is so scary, you can't do anything. Professor Quarrel turns around and grabbed your robed arms.

"You don't have anyone that will ever protect you. You are vital for your older brother. Can't refuse him can you?" Professor Quarrel cooed. You yelped as Draco, who was going to the bathroom, sees Quarrel attacking you. Draco grabs the professor and attempts to pull him off you. Then, out of the blue, Professor Snape comes and pull Quarrel off you but Quarrel wouldn't let go of your arms. You proceed to bite his hands. You watch at from the bites on each hand a burn mark appears, using the diversion, you kick away from him.

"TELL ME HOW TO GET THE STONE OR HARRY WILL DIE!" Quarrel bellows as he is dragged away by Professor Snape. You stand there with your mouth gaping and shaking.

"What's he talking about?" Draco asks, his back toward you.

"H-how'd he know I know what and where it is?" You ask. "I gotta warn Harry. He's in deep danger. Where is he?" You ask. You run down the hall to the girls bathroom so you can just talk out loud with out anyone asking. Once you get there Harry, Ron, and Hermione are being escorted to Professor McGonagall's office. You run up to McGonagall and plead to talk to Harry for a moment. She agrees due to the fact that you're white as a ghost and freaking out.

"Harry, do you have the paper I gave to you?" You ask.

"Yeah. Why are you freaking out?" He asked.

"Never mind that fact. Just quickly follow the instructions and what ever you do, stay away from Quarrel. Please I can't help you just stay away from him!" You said as you run up the Slytherin house staircase. You stagger into the common room as Draco trails behind you.

"What's going on? Why is Quarrel after Harry? What did he do?" Draco asks you, as he shakes your arm.

"You can't tell anyone but, there is a stone that can revive any one who has died. Harry will be the one to retrieve it," you respond, hugging your pillow to your chest. "I'm scared of the Dark Lord but not enough to freeze when fighting him. I don't want to be like him. I wanna be good!"

"It's ok. Why are you working with Potter though? We are Slytherin not Gryffindor! So don't worry about Harry. Let the Mudblood worry about him!" Draco yelled. And that was the last time you were able the think about your brother that year.

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