Year 1-6

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Edited March 16, 2017.
A/n: Yn= your name

You see a harp in the corner but the strings are snapped. Repairo! You hiss. The strings repaired and just stopped playing. You see the dog heads swing at you. Oh, shoot, you're it's lunch. You let out a few whimpers. The heads look at You.

"Well, are you going to hurt me or not?" You ask.

"What is your business? If it is harmless you shall go uneaten." The middle head of the heads replied.

"I wish to go down the trap door! I have to help Dumbledore!"

"She lies," the head to the left says.

"She has the stone!" The head to the right says.

"I have the stone but I need to place it in a mirror?" You ask.

"Ah, you're so young but alas you must plant the stone and follow orders. Do not let us hold you up. Now go!" The middle head replies after listening to the heads and you. The dog uses its middle head to open the door while the the other two glare at you in case you make a bad move. Once the trap door was opened, you fall down  in to a pit. You hit the ground pretty hard. you was given a jar of Devil's Snare to break the fall. I guess I should've done that before I fell. I guess I have a lot of I guesses now. You trot down the hall way to find a large door that is locked. You fumble in your pocket to produce a large rather old key. You unlock the door and repair the broken wings and let it got up in to the millions of different winged keys. You go and grab four broom sticks in case you went with Harry. You would most likely end going. Now, to get trough the door, you need to unlock it. You use your wand to unlock the door then magic proof it so they'd have to use the key in order to get through. You venture to a gigantic chess set, but there are no pieces just stone cubes. You then attempt to transfigure the stones in to chess pieces. If only you'd listen in professor McGonnal's class. You fish through your robe pockets to see if there was instructions as to transfigure the objects into the chess pieces. You finally find a letter addressed to that and quickly open the letter and a charm and transfiguration spell shoot out. You move on to making them wizard chess pieces. "Mobile" you shout at the pieces and quickly skirt to the edges so you can get through the pieces with out them killing you or playing the game. All charms are only once so they expire after the one use. You get to the last part. You place the bottles and concoct the potion to help you get through the fires. Then the poisons. Then you set out the logical riddle. You then enter and set the fires ablaze. You walk straight to the mirror to set the stone into it. Once you approach the mirror and see your mother and father. Your mother had red hair, green eyes, and your father had black hair and black eyes. You stared at them and they looked back at you.  Then a ripple happens and you saw yourself  with a young boy about 16 years old with jet black hair and eyes. His hair was black/brown and curly. He had Slytherin robes. He put his arm around your shoulder and he changed into the Dark Lord. You stared at it and the Dark Lord smiled. You feel a chill run through you. You snapped out of your trance and shoved the red transparent stone into the mirror. You expected to feel glass but you felt the mirror's cool ripple like a fresh stream in the heat of the summer. You let go of the stone and sprint through the fire and pass the chess. Passed the keys and up the Devil's Snare. You bolt to the girls bathroom and heave into an abandoned stall.

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