Year 6-2

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"Yn! What's wrong?" Harry asks.

"Nothing why?" You ask looking at him.

"Yn, I've known you long enough to know someone hurt you. Who was it?" Harry asks.

"You got me. Guess," you say know his answer already.

"Draco, I'm going to rip you apart and feed your guts to Midnight. Wait where is she?" Harry asks.

"She right here," you say pointing to the largest black wolf you've seen, for she is now an adult.

"Wow. She's huge!" Harry exclaims.

"Yep," you say.

"Yn, let it out," Harry says.

"Let what out?" You ask.

"Your tears. It's okay to cry. I've done it loads of times. It isn't weakness. It's a sign of strength," Harry says comforting you.

"I know, but I can't. I forgot how to cry," you say.

"Well, don't force it. It'll come naturally," Harry says.

"Thanks. Can you stay in the compartment?" You ask.

"Yeah. No problem. I don't mind helping you," Harry says.

Once you got to the school, Harry was missing.

"Have you seen Harry?" You asked Ron and Hermione.

"Nope," Ron says.

"I hope he shows up," Hermione says. You were going to sit on the bench of Slytherin when your father pulled you aside.

"Yn, this year and in your last year, you will be a Gryffindor. I know this is a quick change up, but seeing as your life is in danger, I suspect you don't really have much of a choice," Snape says.

"What? Okay dad," you say.

"I will love you no matter what but it's time for you to know the truth," Snape says.

"What truth?" You ask.

"Come to Dumbledore's office after dinner and Dumbledore and I will explain," Snape says turning pale and his hands were shaking.

"Okay? Dad what's wrong? Why are you panicking?" You ask.

"My daughter is in danger I can't let that slip by," Snape says. "I'd much rather you stay in my house and stay in the heads dorm but Dumbledore thought otherwise." Snape hugs you tightly.

"Thanks dad," you say.

"I will protect you as much as I can," Snape says.

"Love you dad," you say walking to Harry side.

"You're a Gryffindor now?" Harry asked bewildered.

"Dad said so," you replied.

"Ron, are you going to just stand there? Talk to her!" Hermione urges.

"Looks like Ron's in love," you sing out.

"Oh boy," Harry said. "I like Ginny," Harry added.

"You+Ginny=Hinny or you+Ginny=Garry," you say coming up with ship names.

"I like Hinny better," Harry says.

"Ok," you say finishing your food. You get up and run to Dumbledore's office.

"It must be so," you hear Dumbledore.

"But what about Yn? She'll hate me if I were to do that," you hear Snape protest.

"Yn is competent enough to understand. She will comfort Harry," Dumbledore says.

"Dumbledore, you asked of my presence?" You asked walking.

"How much have you heard?" Snape asks.

"Enough to know you were talking about me," you said.

"Severus must revert back to being a Death Eater so he can see the plans or Voldemort. I will take Harry to retrieve a locket. You must stay strong and I encourage you to be yourself but tell Harry none of this. Also Severus, show me your patronus before I leave," Dumbledore says.

"As you wish. Expecto Patronum!" Snape yells as a transparent doe comes out of his wand.

"Your turn, Yn," Dumbledore says.

"Uh okay. Expecto Patronum?" You say in a questioning tone. A buck comes out and gallops next to the doe.

"Hmm like father, like daughter," Dumbledore says. "I'm guessing why how you are Voldemort's sister. Am I right?" Dumbledore adds as if reading your mind.

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