Year 4-6

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

The next day was the second task and you didn't feel ready for it. Your brother, Harry ran up to you an hugged you.

"Don't worry about the tasks. I'm sure you will do great!" Harry says, excitedly.

"Do you have, in any way, an idea as to what it is going to be?" you ask.

"Nope but I'll try to find out?" Harry suggests.

"Did you do Moody's homework?" you ask.

"Yeah, it was easy!" Harry exclaims.

"HAVE YOU NO HEART?!" you exclaim. "I couldn't do it! Its too painful to see something in pain knowing I caused it!" Harry laughs and catches up to the Weasley twins. you look around to try to find Ron or Draco, but none were there. You continued to walk toward The Black lake and stood on the high platform over the water.

"Three, two, One!" Dumbledore shouts bringing you back into reality. You felt something push you against your back and you staggered forward and fell face first into the dark water. I. Can't. Breath. I CANT BREATH I CANT BREATH I CANT BREATH I CANT BREATH I CANT BREATH I CANT BREATH I CANT BREATH! I CANT BREATH! I CANT BREATH!I CANT BREATH! I CANT BREATH! I CANT BREATH, you mentally screamed panicking. How is drowning going to help me win?! Maybe I should've stayed in bed! You start fanatically swimming and panicking. What am I supposed to do?!You see a group of figures chained to a cluster of rocks. Wait, if I can't breath, why haven't I died yet? You mentally question and you felt your neck. There were frilly flaps waving slowly in the water. I'm part fish now? You think. You see Draco tied to a rock. Fleur swims past you and unchains Ron from the rock. HEY! That's my boyfriend! You mentally shout. You quickly unchain Draco and and swim to the top. Draco comes around and smiles hazily at you.

*Le time skip brought to you by a drunken Draco*

"Hey, Yn!" Draco says running up to you.

"Hi Draco! What up?" You respond.

"So, I know was boasting but, willyougototheyuleballwithme?" Draco stutters out.

"I was going to wait until Ron asked me but sure why not?" You say. Anyone else would've been like: what is the boy saying to the girl. I can't comprehend what he said. I think it was in a different language. You fully understood Draco. He is, after all, your best friend. Draco lets out a huge sigh of relief.

"Why hasn't Ron asked you already?" Draco asks.

"I think he's waiting to ask Hermione to the ball. But it's only a conjecture," you say.

"Well I'll see you around," Draco says running to the Great Hall. "Oh! And thank you for making sure I didn't drown yesterday." Draco shouts over his shoulder. You smile and walk to the table.

"Hey, Ron! Where were you and Hermione yesterday?" You hear Harry ask.

"Nearly drowning. BLOODY HELL! I forgot to do something!" Ron yells clapping himself on the brow. He runs over to you.

"Piss off, Weasley!" Draco warns.

"Hey Yn, will you-" Ron begins.

"I'm sorry, but I already asked your girlfriend to the ball and she said yes. So go run off and ask the stupid Mudblood then," Draco snaps. You gasp and smack Draco a cross the face. Though you were the richest wizarding family, you were also a muggle born.

"DRACO!" You whisper-shout.

"Oh! Right! I'm sorry!! I didn't mean that to you!" Draco gasps once he realizes what he'd said. "I wasn't thinking! It just spilled out! And HEY! That hurt!"

"But baby!" Ron whines.

"Go ask Hermione to the ball before she says yes to anyone else. I know you're in love with her and don't worry about me," you say smiling.

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