Year 6-5

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"I'm sorry, Yn. But this is the life that was chosen for me," Draco says.

"You can change. You've done it before!" You plead.

"I-It's my destiny," Draco says.

"You're stuttering. That means your don't have the heart to do it. You are a good person. You just need someone to tell you that," you plead trying to by time.

"Yn, step aside," Snape says.

"Dad?! What are you doing here?" You ask.

"Yn, please don't ask questions," snap says.

"Draco can't do this," Dumbledore says.

"If I must. Draco, cover Yn eyes," Snape says. Draco scurried over and covered your eyes with his hands.

"Goodbye Harry, good luck Yn," Dumbledore says.

"Avada Kedavra," Snape says almost lazily.


"Yn, please, let me explain," Snape pleads.

"LET YOU EXPLAIN?! YOU KILLED DUMBLEDORE! I HATE YOU!" You roared running down the stairs away from your father. Harry chasing after you.

"Yn!" Harry called.

"What?" You asked.

"I thought you wouldn't yell at our dad?" Harry says questioning you.

"I didn't mean to say I hate him. It's just why would he kill Dumbledore? Is he really a bad person?" You question.

"I don't know but I need him to cry," Harry says.

"Cry? Dad never cries. Why?" You ask.

"No reason," Harry says.

"Harry are you okay?" Hermione asks.

"Yeah. It's just Yn isn't," Harry says distractedly.

"Who killed him?" Ron asks punching the air.

"Snape," Harry says.

"Ooh lemme at him!" Ron snarls.

"No. I need to redeem with him," you say scurrying off to find him. You run to the Slytherin house and beg to be let in.

"What's the password?" The portrait asks.

"Pureblood," you pant.

"Enter," the portrait responds. You race into the room behind the banner to find Snape exploding everything in sight.

"Dad!" You shout.

"My own daughter hates me! She told me herself! I knew this would happen and I tried to warn Dumbledore! But no he didn't tell her!" Snape shouts exploding a flowerpot.

"DAD! Listen to me! I know I said I hated you but I understand now. You had to do it if Draco didn't. It's okay. I love you the way you are. It's hard being misunderstood," you say.

"You understand?" Snape questions.

"Yes and I forgive you. You were only protecting me and Harry," you say hugging Snape.

"Thank you," Snape says.

"There's going to be a ceremony for Dumbledore in a week so can you come?" You ask.

"Anything for my beautiful daughter," Snape says.

"What'll happen next? Voldemort has no opponent he's afraid of," you say.

"I don't know but I promise when all of this is over, we will live in a happy home and put the past away," Snape says.

"I'd like that," you say.

In a week, the students gathered in the court room to witness the tomb of Dumbledore. It was beautifully sad. The pearly white marble covered the body and lay cemented in the ground. White doves flew all around and circled the casket. The students and staff put their wands in the air and shot out streams of light. Harry grabbed you hand and pulled you aside.

"Yn, I figured it out," Harry says.

"Figured what out?" You ask.

"I'll explain later, just come with me. Hermione and Ron'll stay at school if you and I don't return. I need you on the last leg of this journey," Harry said.

"What journey?" You ask.

"I'll explain later, like I said. So...gonna join me?" Harry asked.

"Does dad know?" You asked.

"I asked for his permission. So will you join me?" Harry asked.

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