Year 7-3

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

Previously in the last chapter: Once you got to the house, Molly handed you a letter that came in the owl post from a familiar addressee. You grab it and open the letter reveal... A letter from Snape.

Dearest Yn, I regretfully inform you that I cannot let you stay at Hogwarts due to the lack of security. I hope you are well and without further adue, enjoy your year off

"Great! I was planning to go back!" You shout at the letter.

"Hey at least you can go Horcrux hunting with me!" Harry says gleefully.

"Did you read the letter over my shoulder?" You ask.

"Er, that's classified information. I can't tell you," Harry says running toward the door.

"I wanted to see Draco again," you mumble.

"Draco is bad, he could hurt you because he knows you'd do anything for him," Ginny says.

"I know but that is the bad part because, part of me wants to believe that he wouldn't do this and the other half knows he would. His father is the main reason for it," you respond.

"Well, we all believe in a good side of people, it's for the best. It's just that some people aren't worth the anxiety," Hermione says creeping up on you.

"Thanks for your input," you say.

"Help!" Molly shrieked from inside the kitchen. You rush into see a bogart tormenting her.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" You shout whipping out your wand.

"ARTHUR!" Molly screeched as the bogart took the form of a bleeding male. You stepped in front of her and the bogart took the form of your worst fear.

"Ridikulus!" you growl at the bogart. A whole school year away from Draco was enough to get your blood boiling, but having a bogart turn into Draco getting tortured by Umbridge made you angry.

"T-Thank y-you dearie!" Molly whimpers glomping you with her face streaked with tears.

"No problem," you say glaring at the spot where the bogart once was.

"You're so brave!" Ginny says. "That bogart was scary!" She adds.

"I'm not as weak as I seem, but I'm not as strong as I act," you mutter under your breath.

"Hmm?" Molly asks.

"I'm not as weak as I seem, but I'm as strong as I act," you repeat louder. Molly smiles knowingly.

"Knowing your vulnerabilities, is possibly the most valued information you should know," Molly says knowingly.

"Why?" You ask.

"Because you know how much you can take on without being force to do more than you can do," Molly explains.

"Interesting, thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Now what about the food? Because we've done a whole standing and not a whole lot of cooking," you say sassily.

"Alright. Ginny, you do the pasta. Hermione, can you do the salads and pre courses? And I'll do the meat because, you know how Bill is. Yn, please can you the finishing course?" Molly directs.

"Sure thing!" you say running off to the oven area.

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