Year 5-4

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"What are you doing to him?!" You scream at Umbridge. You run to Draco's side and roll him onto his back. The little amour of colour left in his face was gone and his chest was heaving.

"Training him to be a good boy," Umbridge says in a sweet tone.

"You're hurting him! Can't you see that?!" You shout.

"Pain is the best teacher," Umbridge says in a tone as if she was consoling you.

"Pain is the best teacher as in to teach someone to fear you," you snap.

"Oh yes. I can make you do something out of fear!" Umbridge cackles. She raises her wand casually and almost lazily says, "crucio!"

"No!" You yell as Draco starts spasming in pain.

"Now be a good girl and leave the room," Umbridge commands.

"No, I refuse to," you snarl.

"Ah, alas you might change your mind if I do this?" Umbridge suggests as she starts intensifying Draco's agony. Draco whimpers and grips your arm.

"Resist her. P-please," Draco pleads.

"Be. A. Good. Girl. And. Leave," Umbridge commands.

"No. I'm stronger so use me," you said. You would do anything to have Draco out of pain.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Umbridge says. She intensifies Draco's pain and then instructs you to bring Draco to the dorms when Draco passes out.

Once there, gently wipe his forehead with a cool cloth. You were shaking with rage, but little did you know it wouldn't be the last time she does this.

"Hey, love," Draco croaks out.

"Draco, tell me what happened?" You ask.

"I was writing the words when my hand started to ache. So I went into Umbridge's office to tell her I was done when she started to attack me with spells. I also have the words carved into my right hand," Draco says tiredly.

"You should go get some sleep. It's must be exhausting," you say.

"I love you, Yn. I know you will be by my side," Draco says kissing your forehead. You snuggle in bed with him before you both are fast asleep.

The encounter between Umbridge and the classes with your father put a strain on your relationship with Draco. Every time he would enter the dorm room, he wouldn't talk and just sleep. The bags under his eyes also became more evident as well. He became skinnier and so pale, it was like he was born without colour. Within a month, Draco was struggling to get his work done. You helped him in the ways you could, but you were struggling too. You could nearly finish homework and then go to the daily detentions from Umbridge for not being in class.

"I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!!" You roared at the wall one night.

"Do what?" Draco asks exhaustedly.

"Nothing. I'm being over reactive," you said trying not to cause Draco to worry about you.

"What's this? Did you carve 'I must not tell lies' again? Why are you reminding yourself?" Draco asks.

"I-I gotta go," you say quickly.

"Why? I want to be with you! Why do you always leave when I come in?!" Draco asks getting angry.

"I've got detention," you said. "I'm going to be late now," you add.

"No! I will not let you go! You will stay with me!" Draco snarls clinging to your arm.

"I have to but please stay up. I'll need to bandage my wounds," you say dislodging Draco and running down the hall.

Once you near the door, you already know it'll be a rough time. Once you near the door, you jump at the sight before you.

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