Year 7-15

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"Harry, enough! Can't you see this poor man is traumatised about it?" You ask grabbing onto Harry's arm.

"He should've tried to save Luna!" Harry retorts.

"Harry, not everyone is as simple-minded as you. Sometimes when something very dear to you is being taken away, your body freezes because half of you want to run and the other half wants to fight. It's the fight or flight syndrome," you explain.

"Then fight for it!" Harry says angrily.

"When you freeze, your body shuts down and you can't move even if you really want to. It acts as a last resort. Didn't you even hear what he was saying? He's resenting that he know what he should've done but was too afraid because not everyone is as brave, impulsive, and courageous as you and I," you say calming Harry down.

"H-h-h-help," the pot said as it seemed like it was shaking.

"Mr. Lovegood, Can you please come out?" you asked the pot.

"Will the boy kill me?" the pot asks.

"No not anymore," Harry sighs.

"You okay?" You ask the pot.

"I am now," the pot says picking up the lid. A skinny man with rugged clothing crawls out from under the lid of the pot and shakily stands up.

"Hello Mr. Lovegood, my name is Yn Potter, and this is my brother Harry Potter," you introduce.

"T-the Harry Potter?" Mr. Lovegood asks as his voice cracks.

"Yeah and tell me what the symbol that hangs around your neck," Harry demands.

"Oh-you mean this?" Xenophilius asks holding out the Deathly Hallows symbol.

"Yep. What's the symbols composing the Deathly Hallows?" You ask.

"The triangle is the cloak of invisibility, the circle is the resurrection/philosopher's (A/n: depending on where you got the books, the stone is called different names) stone, and the line is the elder wand," Xenophilius explains.

"Do you have a clue to where the wand is?" Harry asks.

"No," Xenophilius says.

"Harry, we've go company!" You shout noting the Death Eaters outside.

"Hold my hand," Harry says as you and he disapperated front the house. You end up at a place you and Harry have never seen before.

"What is this place?" You ask.

"Godric's Hallows," Harry says drily.


"Yes, it's wear we used to live," Harry say as his voice cracked.

"It's okay, Harry," you say. "Orchideous," you add as flowers sprout from you wand.

"Thanks," Harry says as he take the flowers and lays them on the graves.

"You know, I used to think He-who-must-not-be-named was cursed into me. That's what Snape said when I was little. It really didn't make any sense but now I know I was born in the wrong time and brought here. It's really strange. I guess if rather live now than back then because if I did, I wouldn't have met you, brother," you say.

"I'm glad I met you," Harry said hugging you.

"I can talk to animals which isn't common and also have necromantic abilities," you say.

"That is awesome! That's bloody brilliant! But save those powers for a time of dire-" Harry says.

"Wait!" You interrupt.

"What?" Harry says.

"What did the elder wand look like?" You ask Harry.

"Like this:

Why?" Harry asks

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Why?" Harry asks.

"I know that wand from somewhere!" You say.

"Okay?" Harry says dubiously.

"What'd Dumbledore's wand look like?" You ask aloud.

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