Year 7-1

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name. Year seven starts and you are 17. Enjoy. P. S, please don't kill me, I'm taking these last chapters into my own hands because I don't remember the last two movies. I'm sorry but do enjoy-R. W.

A month after Dumbledore passed, you found yourself at the Burrow because it wasn't safe for you at your own home. You haven't heard from Draco but you assumed him to be alive.

"The next thing is the locket. I had a fake one so we need the real one," Harry says pacing the room. The Weasleys were getting ready for Bill and Flure's wedding so they were scampering around. They rest of the family had arrive disguised as Harry to ward off the Death Eaters resulting in Hedwig's death and George missing an ear. Midnight was out in the garden snapping up the gnomes that were brave enough to stick their heads up and Harry was mourning Hedwig.

"Harry?" You ask.

"Hedwig!!" Harry screams.

"Okay not the time to talk," you say.

"I think the locket is in a lake somewhere and who is R. A. B.?" Harry questions.

"I thought you were upset about Hedwig?" You say startled that Harry changed the subject so quickly.

"Both. I just am worried that we won't find it in time!" Harry says.

"Let's get ready for the wedding and then worry about this," you compromise. Knock! Knock! Knock!

"I'll get it," Ginny yells from the stair way.

"Hello I am here to talk to Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Yn Riddle. Are they here?" A man's voice rings out in the hallway.

"Er, yes. I can assemble them," Ginny says.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione, Yn, Mr. Scrimgeor is here to talk to you!" Ginny calls.

"Coming," the quadruple calls including you. You, Ron, Harry, and Hermione run down the stairs to meet a severely high-strung man.

"Hello, children," the man says. "I am Rufus Scrimgeor and I have the will of Dumbledore, which I will read aloud to you."

"So you are the one in possession of Dumbledore's objects, he wishes us to keep?" Ron asks.

"Yes and for you, Ronald Weasley, you will receive a Deluminator, it is to put out light," Scrimgeor says handing Ron a thing that looks like a muggle cigarette lighter.

"For you, Hermione Granger, you will receive Dumbledore's well beloved fairy tales, Tales of Beetle the Bard and Other Tales," Scrimgeor says handing Hermione a book.

"For you, Harry Potter, you will receive you first golden snitch," Scrimgeor says handing Harry a familiar little golden ball.

"For you, Yn Riddle, I now must present the sword of Godric Gryffindor," Scrimgeor says giving you a bejewlled hilted sword. "Also, you must give Midnight to harry for you also will receive Fawkes. He's a newborn now so take care of him." Scrimgeor says giving you a birdcage with a grey featherless bird. Midnight went to Harry's side. You reach out and the bird nuzzles your hand, imprinting your touch.

"Now I must leave. Enjoy your new gifts," Scrimgeor says stiffly getting up and stalking toward the door.

"Bloody hell! You got Fawkes? I wanted him!" Ron whines.

"Why'd you get the sword of Gryffindor? You're a Slytherin!" Hermione asks as you're wondering the same thing.

"Wow, I get a wolf!" Harry says. You watch as the crest on Midnight's forehead disappears and her colour drains to a common grey wolf. Her size returns to a normal English wolf size and she is no longer used to you any more. You sign and let Fawkes out of his cage.

"Squawk!" Fawkes says.

"Hey there, little buddy," you say.

"Fawkes at service," Fawkes says in a creaky voice.

"You talk?" Ron asks.

"Ronald, yes talk I," Fawkes croaks.

"Good I can talk to you," you say.

"You not alone. I is here, Yn Riddle," Fawkes says.

"Great. Bad grammar okay I can deal with this. Just call me Yn," you reply.

"I call you, Yn. You new owner. Albus dead, I sad. I love Yn now," Fawkes croaks out.

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