Year 7-9

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"Yeah, that was Let Me Go," you say.

"Did I intrude upon something?" Harry asks.

"No it's fine. I was just talking to Fawkes," you say.

"You sure?" Harry asks.

"Yep, is he here?" You ask.

"Yeah came up to tell you," Harry said.

"Let's deal with him," you growl.

"Ok look! Yn Potter Riddle, the talk of the town," a short bald guy says sarcastically.

"Thanks for the roll call, now the locket," you snap.

"What locket," the guy asks.

"Cut to the chase, Fletcher. We need the locket," Harry snarls.

"Fine, it's in Umbridge's hands," the guy growls. "Now let me go," he demands.

"Sure," you say grabbing Harry's hand and scooping up Fawkes. You and Harry once more apperated to the telephone booth. You enter and Harry pressed 62442 into the keypad.

"We are here," Harry says.

"Now how-I know!" You say. You grabbed two ministry workers and dragged them into a corner.

"What are we doing here?" The woman asks.

"Imperio!" You say.

"Uh I think this'll be a bad idea," Harry says.

"Shush you. We want the locket and we will get it. Now go into the hearing that's going on as take a locket from the judges neck. Do it discreetly," you command the woman.

"Yes, of course," she responds. She smooths out her dress and walks pompously into the courtroom.

"What'll we do on the mean time?" Harry asks.

"I think it's time to visit-" you say.

"I've gotten hold of the locket," the woman says handing you a a locket with a green S on it.

"Thank you, return to your daily life now," you say releasing the woman from your spell. You and Harry apperate to back to the house only to find it inhabited by Death Eaters.

"Pack a bag," Harry instructs.

"Already done," you say handing Harry a bag and taking your own. You thought ahead of Harry and while you sang the song, you'd packed bags for both Harry and you along with a tent stuffed in yours. Harry strapped the bags into Storm's back and performed a weightless charm, as to not weigh her down.

"The forest?" Harry inquires.

"Read my mind. Let's go," you say.

"Apperate?" Harry asks.

"Nope." You pull out a rug from Harry's bags and said, "Fugite."

"What's that do?" Harry asks.

"It's a flying carpet. We can go there fast," you say climbing on.

"Okay?" Harry says questioning your motives.

*Le time skip brought to you by 'I can show you the world'*

"Here we are," you say getting off the carpet.

"Okay?" Harry says. "Woah, this part is beautiful!" Harry adds awed.

"Told you. Now can you get the ten out of my bag?" You ask.

"Gladly," Harry says. You set it up while Harry scopes out the land.

"Like it?" You ask laying down the rug you flew on.

"Love it!" Harry squeals jumping up and down. "How is it so large on the inside and small on the outside?"

"Time lord tech or otherwise known as an enlargement charm," you respond.

"Doc Who?! I didn't know you liked that show!" Harry squeals again.

"Calm down! We are still on a quest," you remind him.

"Yeah but let's have some fun. Let's not be so solemn all the time," Harry says giggling like a school girl.

"What's the sudden good mood?" You ask.

"I'm happy to be with my sister at last!" Harry says smiling.

"High he be must?" Fawkes asked.

"Yeah he is high, high on life and love," you say smiling.

"I'm happy! Let's enjoy life while we can!" Harry says giddily.

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