Only I Can Live Forever

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Edited May 11, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

You start bawling leaning your head against Snape's chest.

"Dad! Why?" You scream not caring if anyone heard you.

"I need take the bodies to the infirmary," a man with a thick Scottish accent suggests after a few hours.

"O*hiccup*k," you sigh. You watched as the man and the woman carried your father away. You get up and wiped your face and trudged out to the courtyard only to find Tom and the Death Eaters walk up.

"Harry Potter is dead! Nyhaha!" Tom shouts laughing. The Death Eaters burst out laughing at the looks of shock on everyone's faces. Except for one. Draco was staring dead at you. You glare at him in return.

"Who'll be the first to join me and aid me in my new world tor reign?" Tom asks looking around. You see the Longbottom boy start to move toward his side.

"Well, I guess call me weak," was all Neville said.

"Longbottom, eh well I would've expected a better person but you will do. Welcome to the ranks," Tom says.

"You're a lier!" You shout angrily.

"Aww my poor little sister has had her head messed up," Tom soothes.

"I'm not messed up and Harry isn't dead. He's on the ground and getting up as we speak," you say.

"Now let's finish where we started!" Tom says. He motions his clan to charge and they do. They sweep up Harry in the process leaving you and Tom alone.

"Tom, I can't be your sister," you say.

"Yes in fact you are," Tom responds.

"I mean, I'm not like you. I'll never be like you," you say.

"So? You're still my sister."

"Do you even know what remorse is? Do you even know how to love? Do you know what love is? Tell me the truth. Do you know the love of a mother?" You ask.

"No, but I don't need it," Tom says.

"Yes you do. Love is the most powerful thing in this world. Love is what brings together families and conquers hate. Love will always be there to make you strong enough to stand up to hate. I know it sounds cheesy, but I have lived to know love can heal," you say smiling.

"I don't need l-l-l-ove. Who needs it when I've got the Death Eaters?" Tom asks.

"They don't like you, they are afraid of you," you say.

"Exactly," Tom says grinning.

"I can't follow you then," you say.

"Okie dokie. Avada Kadarva!" Tom says.

"Avada Kadarva!" You shout, spitting the words from your mouth. You hold the beam of green light with every fibre of your body screaming with anger, sadness, and pain. Anger at Tom for killing your father. Sadness for Tom because you couldn't show him that love and being good would be for the best. Pain for having to kill the part of your family you thought you could change.

"Only I can live forever!" Tom says laughing.

"You won't live forever in a body. You will be only known to people via books and histories of Hogwarts," you snarl.

"I will li-" Tom gets cut off as his body starts to decompose right in front of you.

"You killed my dad! I want you to know that you destroyed my life too and Harry's and the millions of other people's you've destroyed. How good does it feel to die once and for all?!" You yell at the flaking Tom. "HOW. DOES. IT. FEEL! Tom Marvolo Riddle?!"

"You did it!" A boy about eleven shouts jumping up and down.

"Your my hero!" A little girl shouts. You were surrounded by the staff and students of Hogwarts. So yes you lost your father but you are name a hero. You couldn't have asked to be any more happier.

"Yn is it?" The Scottish man asks taping  you on the shoulder.

"Yes. What is it?" You ask getting worried.

"It's your father. There's something for you to see. Follow me," the man says.

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