Year 5-1

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

You grab your stuff once the train stops at the station. You quickly fall in line behind Draco as his parents take off and order Cager to drive them home. You fell asleep in the car so it seemed like a second. You sleepily stumbled out of the car and fall into Draco's arms.

"Sleepy much?" Draco asks.

"Oh, shush it. It's not like you didn't fall on top of me in the car snoring loudly," you sleepily but sassily comment.

"Well we're home now so I'll get your trunk and you can settle in," Draco says leaving you and Midnight to go exploring the house.

*Le time skip brought to you by Midnight chasing a rat*

"What have you got there?" You ask Midnight as she spits out a rat carcas. You inspect it closely to find a bit of parchment tightly rolled into it. You use tweezers to pull it out, unroll it, and read it. It reads: meet me in the garden behind the house.
You smile and run to through the back door to find Draco standing there with a bouquet of your favourite flower.

"Let us enjoy our time outside and then enjoy the three months together," Draco says giving you his hand. You take it and watched the sun fall behind the trees. You smiled and fall asleep in Draco's arms.

The next months passed really quickly but you were worried about the coming year. You've had a bad feeling hanging over you since the last year ended. You got your books and boarded the train.

"I hear there's a new DADA teacher this year. I hope they're not like Moody," you hear a voice say outside of the compartment. You peek outside and see Draco talking to his friends.

"Hey! Don't make fun of Moody! He was a great teacher," you defend.

"I know but he was stupid and we should've gotten rid of him sooner than later," Draco responds.

"Well I liked him because he was down to earth," you say.

"Well, let's see if they last longer than a year," Draco say sitting next to you. You take a closer look at Draco and notice there are bags under his eyes and he is a lot paler than before.

"Dray? Are you okay?" you ask.

"Yeah, why?" he responds.

"You've just....changed," you say whispering the word 'changed'.

"What did you whisper?" Draco asks.

"You have changed. You're very pale and you look as if you haven't slept in a while. Are you sure you are okay?" you ask.

"Yes, now please let me sleep," Draco grumps out. He rests his head in your lap and closes his eyes. Out of habit, you start stroking his silky white-blonde hair. Draco looks up at you and smiles a genuine smile. You smile back and continue to stroke his head. You watch the city slide into countryside and hum to yourself.

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