Year 4-7

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"Hey, Yn. Are you alright?" You hear Draco ask as Ron slumps away.

"Oh...yeah! I will be," you respond, mumbling the last part.

"Yn, I've known you since forever and I know something's on your mind. You can tell me," Draco says. You shake your head. Ron had been acting weird when you and Hermione and Harry hung out. He would always save a spot for Hermione but kinda forget you were there.

"That's it! I'll ask him about it later. Maybe after all this tournament is over," you say.

"The ball's tomorrow, what are you going to wear?" Draco asks.

"Not gonna tell you. It's a surprise!" You say, eyes sparking with childlike excitement.

*Le time skip brought to you by you skipping around the room*

"Alright! I'm ready!" You cheer yourself on in the mirror. You were wearing a sleeveless dress of your favorite color and a long flowing tail trailed behind. It had gems of your birthstone sprinkled everywhere and it was enchanted or not tangle and sparkle. You also had a crown of dark obsidian. Your shoes were heels but not uncomfortable and fit perfectly. You looked and felt like a princess. All you had left was to your hair. You didn't know what to do so you decided to put it up in your favorite hairstyle. You grab your wand and exit the bathroom. You spot Draco leaning against the wall and link arms.

"My, my. What a beautiful girl you are. You've really changed my mind about you," Draco whispers into your ear.

"Thanks. What did you think about me?" You ask.

"I thought you were very headstrong and I still do, but also how annoyingly smart mouthed you were. I now think you have a fiery beauty that I should not mess with it. Otherwise, I won't last much longer," Draco says.

"Ah why thank you, Dray," you say, smiling.

"Dray?" Draco asks.

"Yep. Why?" You ask.

"I don't like it! I love it!" Draco says kissing your wrist. You feel you pulse quicken and tap against Draco's soft lips.

"Watch it, I am dating Ron," you warn.

"Oh, yes. I know you're dating him. But not for long," Draco slyly smirks at you.

"Not for long?" You ask dumbfounded.

"Yes not for long," Draco says staring intensely at the sea of students. You wait in line at the head of the stairs as Draco moved the the base of the stairs. Hermione is in front of you and she look amazing.

"Hermione, who's your date?" You ask.

"Viktor Krum," Hermione says excitedly.

"I thought Harry would ask you?" You wonder.

"Nah. He asked one of the Pavarti twins. Did Ron ask you?" Hermione asks.

"Nope. Well he did...after I said yes to Draco," you say. "Oh! You're up. Good luck!" You say nudging her.
When she'd descended, you were sent. You started to head down the staircase mindful not to trip.

"You are so beautiful, I can't stop staring at you," Draco said loud enough to annoy a passing Ron. Ron whirled around to see you. He stood there gaping.

"What? Is there something on my face? Did a forget to brush my teeth? Did I mess something up? Is my-" You start to worry but is quickly cut off as a pair of lips meet yours. You look to see Draco had pinned you against the wall and was kissing you. Unfortunately for Ron, you kissed Draco back. Unlike Ron's lips, your lips and Draco's fit perfectly. Draco smiled into the kiss and gently tugged at your bottom lip. You broke away and looked down.

"Hey, Yn you alright?" Draco asks you.

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