Year 7-20

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Edited May 11, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name. This is also solely my imagination-R. W.

"Hello, what would you like to drink?" Says a man that looks very much like-

"Albus! How oh I've you missed!" Fawkes exclaims propelling himself toward the man.

"Albus! How do you know my brother?!" The man says.

"So you're implying you are Aberforth?" You ask.

"Yes, I am. Aberforth Dumbledore at your service," the man says.

"Good to know. So Harry why are we here?" You ask.

"Can you get us to Hogwarts?" Harry asks.

"Yes, Longbottom!" He says to a painting of a woman.

"That's her name? Longbottom?" You ask.

"No. Neville?" Harry asks.

"Her name's Neville?" You ask even more confused.

"No behind you," Harry says. You look to see a boys head poking out of the portrait.

"Hiya Harry!"  The boy says embracing Harry in a bro hug.

"Hey Neville, how's school?" Harry asks.

"Dreadful. Absolutely dreadful. How's Horcrux hunting?" Neville asks.

"Good. In a dream I found the last one is at Hogwarts. I think," Harry says.

"Where?" Neville asks.

"I don't know. I'll feel it when it's near," Harry says.

"Let's go," Neville says climbing back in to the hole. Harry climbed in and then helped you up.

"Thanks," you say.

"No problem," Harry says hiding you.

"What's she doing here?" You hear a girls voice. You turn to see a girl with a bandana around her head.

"She's a very brave and intelligent person I happen to love," Harry said standing by you.

"She's a brilliant person with the right amount of brains," Ron pipes up.

"She's tough and resilient and very funny," Hermione says.

"She's got the right amount of nerve," Ginny says.

"And that's why she belongs here," Harry says.

"She's just like us," Seamus says happily.

"But she's a Slytherin," the girl hisses.

"Lavender, enough," Seamus growls.

"Fine. But mark my words, if you turn against us, you'll be answering to He-who-must-not-be-named," Lavender spat.

"Oh! No! Anyone but Voldemort! I'm his sister, you idiot," you snap back. The room tenses at the mention of Voldemort's name but starts laughing at Lavender for being so daft.

"Does anyone know of an important artefact to their house?" Harry asks.

"There is a diadem," a blonde girl says in a dreamy voice.

"Good do you have it on your person? Or the knowledge of it's whereabouts?" You asked.

"It's lost," the girl says.

"Very helpful," you say.

"Thanks Luna, it must be somewhere in this school!" Harry says.

"Let's look for it!" Hermione says and she and Ron and Harry leave.

"So, what do we do now?" You ask.

"Yn! You coming with us!" Harry call poking his head back in the room. You follow Harry out and the four of you split up. You went alone while Hermione went with Ron and Harry. You went back to the room you were just in when you  found it was stacked to the ceiling with artefacts of everything.

"Soon the diadem will be ours!" You heard Draco's voice.

"We will be able to score it and then Lord Voldemort with reign for eternity!" Crabbe's voice rings out giddily. You spot a diadem on a stack of an old book saying potions for year 6. You take the discoloured tiara and the book and quietly leave the room. Upon leaving the room, it bursts into flame. You look at the tiara on last time before hurling it into the room. You knew it was a Horcrux because you had felt a sharp pain in your heart reminding you of a failed loyalty toward the Dark Lord himself. You also felt this pain when every you were with Harry.

A/n: the next chapters will actually have names not year 7-21 and so on. When the epilogue comes it'll be written as E: chapter name. Thanks for reading- R. W.

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