Year 1-5

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Edited March 16, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

You enter the common room with Draco in tow and change for bed in the bathroom while he changes in the room.

"Can I enter?!" you shout through the door.

"Enter!" He replies as you enter as he pulls his socks off. He's completely changed into both a green t-shirt and shorts. You are in green pjs.

"Why does my Dad have to favor Harry? I mean he killed our lord! Why does he get special attention!" Draco screams suddenly. You're quiet because you don't want to interfere

"Why can't I be special just once! I'm always pushed aside because of my dad then 'payed' back with stupid trinkets. I'm always supposed to be the one who always is supposed to be happy with being pushed aside," then he notices you. "Yn, answer me!"

"What am I to say? I mean what do you want me to say?" you ask.

"I'm upset. I need comfort words."

"Ugh, I hate when your upset. are the best friend I've ever had. I like spending time with you. Um, I like your pjs. Ugh what's Midnight doing in the air?" you turn to the window to see Midnight hovering in the air. Draco sees her and cracks up. You guess she knows what you were thinking. You quickly let her in. She leaps at Malfoy growling like crazy. Then starts licking him.

"Do you even like Pansy?" you ask him but you get the answer right a way by seeing Draco's face. He despises her.

"Hey one question?" Draco says out of the blue.

"Sure. What's up?"

"Um has Snape ever asked about me?"

"In what way?"


"You mean dating?"

"Um...y...yeah. I guess." Draco blushes crimson.

"Yeah actually he has me kinda betrothed to someone."


"I don't know if you know him."


"I'll describe him."


"Ugh he's kinda shouting at me."


"He's called Draco Malfoy. (Thanks for this line Lilyflower345 ) but I don't think you know him."


"Your the only one I know who's called Draco Malfoy. Unless you know someone else."

"Well, I guess we have no choice now. We're both pure bloods so I know my Dad knows at least that much about me. So what do I do now?"

"I guess we just go about business until we feel for each other emotionally I guess," you say. you're going to bed because you're tired. Midnight jumped on top of your bed and licked your face. Draco comes over and still is apparently not over about how Harry is favored and not Draco. He keeps stomping and kicking to and fro. You walk over and pin his arms to his side by a hug. He wriggles his arms out and hugs be back. You break away from him and open your bottle of Relax Me and take a pinch of the blue powder and mix it with water. You hand him the glass of sky blue liquid. He doesn't question it because he knows you well and drinks it. The lights turn out and you're out way before your head hits the pillow.

The next morning, you head down to breakfast only to see Pansy blocking you way. You roll your eyes and push past her to get to the table. If jealousy was a problem in muggle school, it's on a whole different level in Hogwarts. The rules are Chose Your Friends Wisely and Watch your Back With Chosen Enemies. Kinda like in the wizarding world. You guess now that Pansy is now you sworn enemy cuz of Draco and now you fate. You get to the table but is pulled away from it by Harry.

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