Year 7-4

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"How long does it take for strawberry tarts to cook?" You question aloud.

"What's burning?" Molly yelled from the dinning room.

"Um?" You take a look in the oven to see the tarts were fine. The pies were good. The strudel that Ginny was making was, well, on fire.

"I don't know, mom," Ginny says walking in the kitchen.

"Your strudel is, how do I put this nicely? It's on fire. It's on fire," you say.

"Oh! No! My mother is gonna kill me!" Ginny whines. You extract your finished desserts and held out the (A/n: for you older readers, Flaming Sambuca) flaming strudel at arms length.

"Quick perform a cooling charm!" You say desperately.

"I don't know that!" Ginny whines.

"HERMIONE!" You wail.

"What are-I see. Honestly didn't you pay attention?" Hermione asks.

"Dude, we called for help not a lecture about listening or not. Now perform the charm!" You growl.

"You both didn't pay attention?" Hermione asks.

"My arm is now on fire as well! Do the charm because I do not want roasted arm for dinner tonight!" You retort.

"Oh alright. Frigus (A/n cool in Latin)," Hermione sighs.

"Thank you. Now let's gets started with the buffet and setting up the tables," you grumble.

"You mad. Don't mad," Fawkes squeaks.

"Fawkes, it's just irritating," you sigh.

*Le time skip brought to you by chasing Ginny about the house waving your wand*

"And that's all, time for the wedding," Molly says.

*Le time skip brought to you by Molly fussing over dresses*

"Do you take Fleur Delacour as your lawful wife?" A rather ancient looking priest asks the groom.

"I do," the groom says.

"Do you take William Weasley as your lawful husband?" The priest asks Fleur.

"I do," Fleur says.

"Now, you must all renew your vows," the priest says. "Do you reject Voldemort as a leader?"

"I do," the audience chants. You mumbled out the phrase.

"I hunGRY!" Fawkes screeches in your ear out of no where for he perched on your shoulder for the event.

"I know buddy, but keep your voice down," you hiss.

"Trust me, we all are," Hermione says under her breath.

"I says Robes is death us," Fawkes grumps as the priest drones on and on.

"Keep it to yourself. Okay?" You hiss.

"Oh kay?" Fawkes says looking deflated.

"Good," you say turning back to the priest.

"Do you reject the impulse to become a Death Eater?" The priest drones.

"I do," you say feeling a twang of pain thinking of Snape.

"Do you believe in Merlin?"

"I do."

"Do you reject all glamor of dark magic?"

"I do."

"Do you resist against the lure of practicing dark magic?"

"I do."

"Do you treat with respect every witch and wizard regardless of blood status?"

"I do."

"Do you-"

"WE POINT GET!" Fawkes screams angrily.

"I'll repeat, do you respect your elders and the high wizards above?" The priest asks irritably.

"I do," the audience says, some asleep and others barely awake.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest wheezes out.

"Goodness we can finally move on," Hermione mumbles.

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