This Means War

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Edited May 11, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"Yn! Did you destroy it?" Harry asks.

"Indeed I did," you say.

"The students are required to meet at the court yard to await Voldemort's arrival!" A voice shouted. "Slytherins are to be lead to the dungeons curtesy of Mr. Filch," the voice adds. You and Harry walk down a corridor to find Snape confronted by Voldemort himself.

"Where is my sister?" Voldemort asks holding Snape in a choke spell

"I *cough* don't know," Snape says gasping for air.

"You are so useless to me. I wonder why I've kept you around for so long," Voldemort sneers. You nod to Harry and Harry runs toward the doors and into the forest.

"Tom, I'm right here!" You say.

"What's that? Tom? You said Tom?" Voldemort sneers.

"I will call you Tom because it is your name. Not wish of death or flight of death or however you wanted to be called to be feared," you snap.

"Yn! Run!" Snape wheezes.

"No! I'm not going to," you say bravely.

"Well, I guess you don't need your dad," Voldemort says.

"Sectumsempra!" You growl at Voldemort. It slashes open Tom's arm. He started bleeding smoke meaning you weren't done hunting for Horcruxes.

"Where is your brother?" Tom asks.

"Right here," Harry says behind you. "I came back. I don't want my sister to battle Voldemort all by herself," Harry adds.

"Good," Tom says the swishes his wand that slices Snape's throat open.

"You-" Harry starts but gets cut off by you.

"DAD!" You scream running to his side. You start cradling his head. "Heal! Heal goddammit! Heal!" You say frantically. The wound starts to close but Snape's breathing became shallow.

"Here is the memories I owe you. You have your mother's eyes, Harry," Snape rasps out as he cried into a vile. You hand it to Harry as Harry runs away.

"Daddy, don't! Please don't leave me! Please," you say finally crying openly for the first time in eleven years.

"Yn," Tom says.

"Tom! You ignorant fool!" You scream holding onto Snape.

"I wanted to protect you from this," Tom says heartbroken.

"Protect me?! How would you protect me?" You scream at Tom.

"Emotions are a nuisance. If I had you as my sister I'd make sure none of these emotions would hurt you," Tom explains while walking away

"Yn, my time is limited. Don't forget, I love you, my beautiful daughter," Snape says looking up at you.

"I tried to protect everything I loved but in the end I couldn't save the person most dear to me. You dad. I'm sorry I couldn't save you!" You wailed. Fawkes, who had been following you around flying, hopped over to you and Snape and started to cry. You watched as Fawkes tears started to heal the rest of the wound in Snape's neck, but phoenix tears can't bring back the dead. Everyone knew that. Snape closes his eyes and smile happily.

"Lily, I'll finally be able to see you again," Snape says happily as his breathing slows to a halt.

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