Year 2-6

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"What did Malfoy say?" Harry demanded.

"Black broke out? How could he? I thought it was the safest prison. Where could he be?" You mumble to yourself utterly oblivious to Harry's question.

"Who's Black?" Harry interjects.

"Sirius Black is know for killing thirteen muggles and was imprisoned for twelve years. Until now." You automatically respond.

"Ah. Can I ask you something?" Harry asks.

"Yeah?" You respond.

"Why does Draco bother me about you? If he likes you then he should tell you right?"

"I dunno. I think but I'm no expert at love."

"Maybe he thinks he's your weakness? So he can undercut you and take all you work for his own?" Harry suggests. You glare at Harry knowing that it could be a small possibility but your heart knows it won't happen. You shake your head and walk out of the room. You grab Mutti, the house owl, and scribble down a note to Draco to meet you in Diagon ally. You've sent Mutti on so many trips to the Manor, that it's imprinted in his/her mind. After a few minutes pass from seeing him/her fly off, they're back and with a response. You know you could've texted him, but it's fun to send an owl. You hastily open the tightly wrapped parchment and read it. Your heart leaps, and quickly write a note to Dad and Harry saying you will be back at 6:00 pm. You look at the clock to see it's about 11:00 am. You run to the fire place and floo powder yourself to the hearth in the Leaky Cauldron and stumble over your shoes on to Hagrid's feet. Hagrid doesn't hesitate to stoop over and grab your collar and lift you on to your feet. You yell a thanks and trot to Ollivander's wand shop. You push open the door to find Ron carelessly waving wands left and right and occasionally accidentally blowing up a flower pot or table. You notice it will be a while when you can talk to Ollivander so you exit and walk straight into Draco, who was looking for you.

"Woah there, tiger," Draco exclaims.

"H-hi," you huff.

"What's got your rump?" Draco asks.


"It's a phrase of why are you in a hurry. You know, when a dog is trying to but you on the bum, you take off regardless of what's in your way," Draco explains. You slowly nod and walk with him down to the ice cream parlor. You ordered your favorite flavor and were about to pay when Draco shoves you aside and pays for both himself and you.

"Why thank you, Mr. Malfoy," you thank.

"Don't mention it. It's really nothing when it comes to my favorite girl," Draco mumbles as you and him walk up and down the ally. You sneak a look and spot him grinning like an idiot.

"What's making you happy?" You chance.

"Oh-I-uh-well...never mind, Yn don't worry about it," Draco says, smiling. You roll your eyes and continue to eat your ice cream. Once you both were done eating, you and Draco walk to a little shop stock full of random and amazing jewelry. You both look a round and Draco brakes off saying he needs to get something for a family friend. You on the other hand gaze at a mirror incrusted in your birthstone. You picked it up, careful to not break it and stare at the back of it. It was like a royal make-believe come true. You reluctantly set it back in the shelf and went back you looking about.

A/n: And that is the exceedingly short end of year two. I just ran out of ideas.

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