Year 7-18 Part 2

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name. This is also just pure imagination. Sorry! -R. W.

"Go to sleep," you say shoving a pillow on top of Harry's mouth.

"NO!" Harry says muffled.

"Geezus! You really need to sleep!" You say.

"Good-" Harry says but sleep cuts him off. You get up and take his glasses off his face.

"Good night my lovable brother," you say folding his glasses up and placing them on your bedside table.

"Merph," Harry responds.

The next morning you woke up to Harry shaking you awake.

"Come on, Yn! We gotta go!" Harry shouts.

"Wassamatter?" You ask tiredly.

"I forgot something and now the weird witch is here!" Harry says panicking.

"What weird witch?"

"The crazy one," Harry says pointing to Bellatrix.

"Hello my dears. Around you mind if I talked to Yn? If you don't say yes, I'll make sure you won't live another day!" Bellatrix says then bursts into a maniacal laughing fit.

"Whadda ya want?" You ask obviously annoyed.

"I want to know if you went to my vault," She says.

"Why would I go to your vault. If I wanted to get money, I'd go to mine," you retort.

"Okay. Good!" She says and then disapperates.

"Let's go to her vault," Harry says.

"Why?" You ask.

"We've done the locket. I got the diary. We need a cup, tiara, and a ring," Harry says.

"A ring like this?" You ask holding up a ring you'd found in Dumbledore's office.

"Exactly! Wait! Where'd you find it?" Harry asks.

"You've still got the sword?" You answer indirectly.

"Yes," Harry says uneasily about your indirect answer.

"Good," you state. You take the sword and slash open the ring.

"How do the Horcruxes not affect you?" Harry asks.

"I guess I'm invincible to the affects," you say. "Or have no emotional connection," you add.

"Hmm. So two more now!" Harry say. He then grabs your hand and you both end up in Bellatrix's vault.

"Wait! Before you touch anything, we need to know anything and what jinxes they put on the vault itself," you say. You walk about the front of the vault and start casting spells about the vault. You walk to the exit and see you can leave.

"Help?" Harry asks after a cacophony of loud crashes makes you jump thirty feet in the air.

"What did you do?" You ask.

"I saw the cup we needed and went for it. The stuff multiplied," Harry said from under multiple replications of one chalice.

"Wingardium Leviosa," you say pointing your wand to the cup Harry was pointing to. It rose into the air and you directed it out of the vault. You grasp Harry's hand with out touching any of the replicated chalice and pull him up.

"Did you not hear what I said?" You ask.

"No, I heard you," Harry said.

"But you thought that if you took the cup skilfully, you would save time?" You ask.

"I-yes," Harry said as his shoulder dropped.

"Let's get out of here," you say shaking your head. Harry grabbed your hand and apperated back to the Bagshot house.

"Missing is sword the," Fawkes says once you get there.

"Great! Just great!" You snarl sarcastically.

"I've got an idea!" Harry says.

"What now?" You ask.

"A basilisk fang! It destroyed the diary!" Harry exclaims.

"And how are we going to acquire it?" You ask.

"Haven't thought that out yet," Harry replies.

"Great! Fawkes! Bring me a basilisk fang. Preferably poisonous," you say.

"On I'm it," Fawkes says flying away.

"Ok. Now we're to talk to Aberforth?"


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