Year 7-16

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"I dunno," Harry says.

"Harry! You literally spent years with him and you still don't know?!" You ask.

"What? I didn't ask," Harry says aloofly.

"I don't believe this! I thought I had something! I lost my train of thought!" You say angrily slamming your fist into a  closed door.

"Dear, you don't need to slam you fist into the door, you could always knock," an elderly woman says.

"I-huh-who are you?" You ask her.

"I'm Bathilda Bagshot," the woman says.

"I'm Yn Riddle," you say using your Riddle last name because you were unsure.

"Nice to meet you dear," she says ushering you into her house locking Harry out in the cold.

"Tea, hot chocolate, coffee?" Mrs. Bagshot offers.

"Tea please," you respond.

"Oh, aren't you polite!" Bathilda squeals. "Oh I see I've left some one outside!" She gets up a welcomes Harry in.

"H-hi," Harry says shyly gladly accepting the tea she handed him.

"Thank you ma'am," you say taking the drink and sitting next to Harry.

"Are you to fiancées?" Bathilda asks out of the blue.

"Yes," Harry says making you spit out you tea.

"We are? I thought we were dating? Did my father give you consent?" You asked going along with Harry.

"Yes, Yn. I was going to tell you but I didn't get the chance to ask yet," Harry says playing off you.

"Aww! So cute! You didn't ask yet?" Bathilda asks.

"Er, was going to," Harry repeats.

"What's your name dearie?" Bathilda asks.

"Uh Daniel. Daniel Radcliffe," Harry says speaking the first name that came to his mind.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Radcliffe. Now I was actually looking for Harry Potter. I have something of Dumbledore for him. I'm also feeling hungry," Bagshot says.

"I'll pass on food but thank you for you hospitality," Harry says.

"Dumbledore? You knew him?" You ask.

"Yes, my dear. I knew him dearly. It's such a shame he passed," Bagshot says.

"What do have of his that you want to give my brother?" You ask.

"Harry is-oh! I should have known because of your similar faces. Well if you see him give him this," Bagshot says handing you her bag.

"Might I?" You ask.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouts at the wo-snake.

"Nagini?" You ask stupidly.

"Hisssssssss!" Nagini says in response.

"I will NOT!" You shout back at the snake.

"Out look!" You hear Fawkes voice shriek as he and Storm fly in through an open window. Fawkes throws Storm at the snake and Fawkes dives for its eyes. The snake then disappears into a cloud of black smoke and leaves you coughing and looking at Harry.

"Daniel? Really? She was a witch and she would know if you were in her house," you say.

"Hey, I was rushed. I didn't know she was a witch. I wanted a mundane name!" Harry whines.

"That is if she was alive," you add on second thought.

"I grabbed an article they had Dumbledore in it," Harry says handing you a newspaper clipping.

"It reads: Dumbledore found and accused for the murder of his sister by the hands of Grindelwald. His brother, Alberforth, reports yadi yadi ya oh! I found where Alberforth lives! He lives at Hogsmead at the Hogshead pub. Let's go!" You say.

"First we need money and food. We haven't eaten for about seven days," Harry says.

"I'm not-" you start but your stomach has a mind of its own and growls cutting off your sentence.

"I guess it's the anxiety and craziness of the hunt that temporally made us forget our hunger," Harry says. Fawkes comes into the kitchen and picked out three feathers and put them into the fireplace. Immediately flames were jumping and rejuvenated the embers of the older flames. He then goes into the pantry outside of the kitchen and proceeds to knock down objects until he comes back with a large cauldron and a packet of pasta. You take the cauldron and go outside to fill the cauldron with falling snow from the storm raging out side. The house was nicely taken care of sealed from the harsh weather. The fire improved the temperature in the house since the other flames had died out when the Bagshot/snake/corpse disappeared.

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