Year 7-10

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"Okay then," you say laughing. Harry grabbed you by the hand and twirled you around. Fawkes started learning to fly on the rafters and Storm was helping. If Fawkes started to fall Storm would catch him and toss him in the air back on to the rafters. You watched it for a while and smiled as you and Harry danced.

"I just want to stay like this for a few days. We have the time and the day is beautiful," Harry says. He does a gesture and a gramophone appears. "Ludere," Harry commands and the gramophone started to play Bad Day.

"You like that song?" You ask Harry.

"Love the song!" Harry says jumping around happily. He grabs your had a twirls you around in circles. You chuckle at Harry's lighthearted mood and smile.

"I have an idea," you say scrambling out of the tent.

"What?" Harry asks.

"Silencio!" You say causing a dome of silence over where you were and lake.

"Why'd you do that?" Harry asks.

"So we won't get caught and we can be as loud as we want to," you explain.

"Good idea," Harry says.

"Sword glowing?" Fawkes screeches. You whipped out the sword of Gryffindor to see the ruby was in fact glowing.

"Harry?" You ask.

"You should have died! I hate you! I never want to be near you again!" Harry roars in response.

"Talk about mood swings. You on your man period?" You ask. Then you see the locket swinging around Harry's neck. "That explains it," you note. You take the sword and stab the locket on Harry's chest. You would've taken it off Harry but he wouldn't stay still long enough.

"Geez! You want to kill me?" Harry asks as you yank the broken locket from Harry's neck.

"No, not particularly. By I couldn't get it off you in the beginning. You wouldn't stay still," you say.

"What-what happened?" Harry asked.

"You had a bad day, you're taking one down. You sing a sad song just to turn it around," you sing out.

"I know we were singing to the song but I don't know what happened next," Harry says worriedly.

"Well, you were in a good mood but then you put on that locket and well you got angry and pissed off," you explained.

"I didn't hurt you?" Harry asks.

"Nope, I hope I didn't prick you with the sword," you say.

"No. That's weird though," Harry said.

"Truly," you agree.

"Time dance?" Fawkes asks.

"Sure!" Harry says as his cheery mood started to seep back into him. He grabbed your hand and started to spin you around again and started laugh genuinely.

"I love spending time with you!" You say.

"Yeah, it's always an adventure! I don't really miss Hermione and Ron," Harry says. "Well, I do, but you're better company than them. They always argue," Harry adds noticing the look on your face.

"I miss him," you state blandly.

"Draco he no good," Fawkes says desperately.

"I know," you moan.

"I know you know, I love you no matter what," Harry soothes.

"Thanks Harry," you say hugging him.

"I will protect my sister no matter what," Harry says holding you in a protective way.

"Catch them!" You hear a voice ring out.

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