Year 7-2

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"How old are you?" You ask Fawkes.

"Half moon," Fawkes responds.

"A half a month. Okay sounds good. How old will you be when you can fly?" You ask.


"Okay. Good to know," you say placing Fawkes on your shoulder.

"Yn? Can you help me with the wedding plans?" Molly Weasley says.

"Of course! " you say getting up quickly.

"Woah!" Fawkes squeaks digging his talons into your shoulder to balance.

"Ouch! Oh! Sorry, big guy. Forgot you were there," you say.

"It okay. Once fly, I not hang much," Fawkes says.

"Hello there dear! Why you have a beautiful bird!" Molly complements.

"Thanks, Molly. So what's first?" You ask.

"This," she says laying out plans for a tent. You take a look and realise the tent is over a few hundred feet long.

"Er, how are we to accomplish this?" You ask.

"Magic!" Molly squeals.

"Um okay!" You say.

"Hey, Yn? Can you talk?" Harry asks.

"Yeah what's up?" You ask.

"Why are you so chill about this war?" Harry asks.

"Well, remember: today's hero could be tomorrow's villain and today's villain was once yesterday's hero. I'm not saying Voldemort was a hero, but some people get so caught up in proving that they are right, they become maniacally obsessed," you explain.

"Like Oliver," Harry mumbles.

"Who's Oliver?" You ask.

"Really. Hot. Quidditch. Player," Harry says as if he was constipated.

"Like Draco hot? Or Weasley twin hot?" You ask.

"Like, fangirls are going to kill you if you don't like him," Harry says trying to suppress a snigger.

"Ok so Draco hot," you say getting sad.

"Don't be sad. You chose the right side. Draco is bad," Harry says. (A/n: autocorrect corrected Draco as crack)

"Ok. Let's set up for the wedding?" You suggest.

"Wingardium Leviosa," you say enchanting the tent to rise.

"How do you unfold it?" Harry asks.

"Me! Me! Me! I open!" Fawkes squawked jumping from your shoulder.

"Fawkes! No!" You yelp as Fawkes makes a jump and proceeds to fall out of the air.

"STORM! Don't eat Fawkes!" Harry yelps as he yanks the former Midnight away from trying to catch the falling Fawkes.

"Yn! I is need safe!" Fawkes screeched as he fell.

"Hold on Fawkes, I got you," you say holding out your arms as Fawkes landed in your arms with a soft thump.

"Thanks you!" Fawkes says nuzzling your shoulder.

"Okay, enough of the excitement. Lest set the tent up with more than two people. Maybe Percy or Charlie could help" Harry says letting go Storm and running off.

"Fine," you say.

"I help!" Fawkes pipes up.

"Er, remember the last time you wanted to help a few minutes ago?" You ask him.

"I be ground eyes," Fawkes says excitedly.

"Oh, boy," you groan.

"So what are the plans for the tent?" A male voice asks from behind.

"Yn, this is Charlie," Harry introduces you to a burly man with ginger hair.

"'Ello, Yn! Nice to meet you! Now allow need to do is lift it, which I see you have done. Now I'll to the rest," Charlie says wavering you and Harry away.

"So what should we do before the wedding?" Harry asks.

"Yn dear, I need you to come help with the food!" Molly calls.

"Well, I just got volentold to work with food so I guess you should hand and get used to your pet," you say scooping of Fawkes and placing him on your shoulder. Once you got to the house, Molly handed you a letter that came in the owl post from a familiar addresse. You grab it and open the letter reveal...

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