Year 2-4

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

You and Harry run to the entrance only to find the professors grouped there examining the bloody messages of 'WIZARDS BEWARE, MUDBLOODS ARE NEXT' and 'YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAVE BEEN OPENED'. Professor Lockhart scrambled into view as you and Harry hid off to the side.

"Oh my Merlin!"Lockhart exclaims.

"I know, this is despicable!" Professor McGonagall says responding to Lockhart's comment. She gestures to the messages on the wall.

"No! I mean that! What? 'Wizards beware, mudbloods are next?' And 'you have been warned, Chamber of Secrets opened?' What's this about?" Lockhart was gesturing to a picture of him that had a mustache drawn on him. He looked to see where the writing on the walls and jumped five feet straight up. McGonagall shook her head and glared at Lockhart.

"Yes, Gildroy, can you please go down and see what the Chamber of Secrets is? You are the Defense Against Dark Arts teacher," McGonagall stated. Lockhart nodded and ran to his office. You and Harry run after him and catch him in the process of him packing up. You brandish your wand at Lockhart and think, freeze. Lockhart freezes and his eyes follow you and Harry, as you grab his wand and drag him along.

*Le time skip brought to you by Lockhart's fearful eyes*

Once you and Harry got to the dungeon, you both run passed a crumbling wall and Lockhart, trying to be clever, tries to break down the wall and instead hits himself with the spell and now doesn't know who he is.

"Harry why don't you stay with him?" You suggest.

"But you could get hurt!" Harry whimpers

"I know, that's why I'm going. Don't worry about me. Just make sure Lockhart doesn't do something stupid, okay?"

"I guess." Nodding your head, you turn and trot towards the dark corridor. You blink and you spot a figure lying on the ground. You run over and shake a very pale Ginny awake. She scrambles towards you and cries.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Could you at least tell me what happened?" You inquire.

"He tried to kill me! He came out of that book and tried to kill me!" Ginny whimpered pointing a shaking finger at a old book lying in a pool of water. You walk over and push it with your foot and a ghostly figure comes out of the book and stands before you.

"Hello my dear sister," it says.

"Who are you?!" You shout at it.

"I am Tom Riddle, Yn," Tom says.

"Ah. The Hagrid expeller," you deadpan.

"He needed it. Now could you give me the book?"

"What does it matter to you?"

"It's every thing I need to live," Tom says reaching for it. You kick flip it in to your hand and hold it tightly. "Please just give it to me! I really need it!"

"Nope!" You say as you shake your head and grin wildly. Then Tom lunges forward to try to pry it from your hand but he falls right through you. "Ha you're just an unwanted memory!" Tom, now frustrated, summoned the largest snake in the world, the Basilisk. It tried to get you to look in its eyes to petrify you. You, being smart, shoved the book into its mouth. As it choked on the book, it punctured the book and put its poison in it. You watch as Tom fades into nothingness. You go get Ginny and see that a Phoenix was soaring with the sorting hat. The Phoenix shook the hat and a sword fell out. Seeing this, you dash forward and snatch up the sword. While the snake was choking, you lunged forward and chopped off its head. Then Harry fell from the overhead platform onto you. You watch as Ron picks him up and exclaim that he'd killed and saved the school.

"I don't kill it. I was just useless. My-"
Harry yells but was cut off as the Phoenix gripped his shoulder and hurls Ron and Ginny to its back. You get picked up by the other claw. Harry see your blood incrusted clothes. "Are you okay, Yn?"

"Yeah..." you fade off. A sinking feeling found its way into your stomach.

*Le timeskip brought to you by flying*

Once you got into Dumbledore's office, you were engulfed by a protective Snape.

"Congratulations to the brave Harry Potter! You saved the school. Thank you. And as for you, Yn, one hundred points from Slytherin. Why did you put yourself in the way of Harry Potter and cut up. You will have suspension now. No buts" Dumbledore snaps at you.

"Wait-" Harry starts.

"It's no use." You cut him off. "Harry it's fine." But it wasn't. You did everything to save the ones you loved but wasn't thanked for it. In side you just wanted to bawl your head off, but you knew if you did it would look like a brat crying over a spilled glass. You did cry but only alone. You, to hid tears, nodded and walked quickly out of the office and headed straight to the dorms.

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