Year 3-6

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"What's going on?!" You shout to Harry over the din.

"Draco jinxed one of the Ravenclaws and now we have a spell battle between Slytherin and the rest of the houses," Harry explains.

"Are there rules?" Ron asks.

"About what?" Harry asks.

"About the battle?" Ron hinted.

"No curses the first years haven't learned. But Draco rarely follows rules," Harry said.

"Crucio!" We here a male shout.

"What's that?" The three of you ask.

"Ron, I'm going to find Draco to put an end to this," you say.

"What!? No! Why?!" Ron sputters.

"Babe, it's fine. I'll be carful," you respond, leaving Harry looking shocked at what he was hearing. You dash off and doge curses flying this way and that was. Midnight trails behind you as she tries to catch up. You finally see Draco about to perform a jinx when you shout, "immobilize!" He freezes and falls face first. You get to a platform.

"ENOUGH! Stop acting like idiots! Look at yourselves. Your wands are your tools NOT your weapons or your guns!" The fighting stops and everyone looks at you. "Now that I have your attention, if any of you are injured or want to heal your friend, let me show you a spell." A few students came up and asked you to heal them. You kindly took care of the burns.

*Le time skip brought to you by healing students messed up by jinxes*

You gave Ron your number so you could keep in contact. You're pacing your living room because you don't know where your dad is or what to do for that matter. You pull out your phone to text Ron.

You: Ron, you busy?

Ron: Not at the moment, why?

You: I'm bored as heck and I need to talk to someone.

Ron: Ah well are you going to the Quiddich World Cup?

You: Yeah. I should get ready for that.

Ron: Viktor Krum is going to be there!!!!!

*Le time skip brought to you by Ron's constant spamming you about how amazing Krum is*

You get to your seat and look for Ron in the stadium. You see the familiar redhead with Hermione and Harry. You run towards them and practically glomp Harry, hug Hermione, and kiss Ron on the cheek. Hermione catches that and gives you a knowing smile.

*Le time skip brought to you by Krum catching the snitch*

You, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and the Weasleys walked back to the tents. You agreed to stay in the Weasley tent for the tournament. You snuggle in bed with Ron as you slowly fall asleep. Little did you know, you wouldn't get much. Just as you were about to finally fall asleep, an explosion shook the tent. You leap up smacking your head against Ron's.

"Oy! Yn, you okay?" Ron asked, clutching his head.

"Ye-no. An explosion shook the tent and I'm a light sleeper. Is your head okay?" You respond.

"Everybody, get out of the tent and sick together!" You hear Mr. Weasley shout. You and Ron looked at each other and woke up the rest of the people.

"Okay, here are the groups: Fred and George, Ginny and Ron, Hermione and Harry, I'll go alone. I reckon who ever this is, will want people to scatter," you say aloud. Ginny tugs at your hem. "Yes Ginny?"

"Can I stay with you and Ron? I don't feel safe with just Ron alone. Not that I don't like my brother, I-" Ginny stutters out.

"I understand. You need female courage right?" Ginny nods. "Okay. Let's reorganize. George, Fred, and Harry stick together. Hermione, Ginny, and Ron stuck together. I'll try to find survivors," you command. Ron wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you passionately on the lips.

"I love you, Yn, please be safe," Ron says after you part. You quickly kiss him back and turn to the groups.

"What are you waiting for?! Let's go!" You shout. You hug Hermione tightly and kiss Harry's forehead. The four of you bid fair well and part ways.

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