Year 5-3

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"Excuse you? Did you just call my daughter a Mudblood?" Your dad, Professor Snape, asks behind you.

"Oh, Professor Snape, I was just talking to a different student. This one over by Potter's side," Professor Umbridge says trying to save herself by motioning to Hermione.

"I see. I would like to take my 'Mudblood' daughter out of class for something so please do excuse this Pureblood student," Professor Snape says through clenched teeth. You get up and go follow your father.

"Dad?" You asked.

"Yes," Snape replies curtly.

"Don't be mad," you say hugging him. "Why'd you pull me out?" You add.

"I was going to ask a question but I don't want you in her class. I'll talk to Dumbledore for you to drop the subject and take lessons from me. Okay?" Snape says then kisses your forehead.

"Will I need to attend class today?" You ask.

"Yes unfortunately. But don't brag," Snape warns.

"I know," you say walking back into class.

"What'd Snape talk to you about?" Draco whispers.

"Course work I need to complete from last year," you respond.

"Why are you talking to the Mudblood?" Umbridge asks.

"Because he can," you respond.

"You know what? Detention!" Umbridge snarls at you.

"Okay will do."

"You're a lier," Umbridge says almost smiling with anger.

"Why? How am I a lier?" You ask.

"Voldemort isn't real."

"Yes he is. I saw him and I'm his sister. I will not lie or deny that I'm related to him. He's after me. Your just a grumpy old toad!" You snap.

"And that will do!" Umbridge shouts.

"You're a nasty, failed, and old witch! I will not let you be the one in control, you mmmmh!" You shout as Draco covers your mouth.

"I don't care what you've done as in achievements. All I have is a spoil-rotten Mudblood!" Umbridge screeches loosing all of her composure.


"What'll you do?" Umbridge asks sweetly.

"MAKE YOU LOOSE YOUR JOB!" Draco yells not pausing to take a breath.

"Oh, I'm soo scared!" Umbridge says sarcastically.

"Well, you're a loon," you said.

"Detention both of you! Eight o'clock sharp!" Umbridge says angrily.

"Sure, sure," you say distractedly.

"I'll come when you're dead," Draco says savagely.

*Le time skip brought to you by the toad*

"Well, looks like we have to go to detention," you say glancing at the clock.

"I'd like to rip her head off. How dare she call you a Mudblood?! Ooh she will pay!" Draco says storming to Umbridge's office.

"Good evening dears, I need you, Draco, to write 'I am an uncontrollable monster' and you, Mudblood, 'I must not tell lies'. Got it? Begin then," Umbridge greets you cheerfully as you enter the classroom. You feel Draco bristle beside you and look down at the desks to find two blood red quills but no ink bottles.

"Professor? Where is the ink?" Draco asks through clenched teeth.

"You won't be needing it," Umbridge says cheerfully.

"Professor, how many times do you want us to write the lines? A roll? Ten rolls?" You ask.

"Enough for it to sink in," Umbridge says grinning from ear to ear. You nod and sit at one of the desks as Draco sits in the one across from you. You start to write and notice there is no line. You shake your head and keep writing. Soon enough, your free hand starts to ache and throb. You look over and see the words you've written were carved into the back of your hand. You look up to see Draco gone but shouts coming from Umbridge's office. You curiously peeked into the room to find Draco writhing in the floor.

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