Year 6-1

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name. Year six starts and you are 16 enjoy.

"What?! How can that be?" You ask.

"My dad told me. I'm not going to be able to make a choice. I don't have one," Draco says packing his trunk. You grab your stuff and cram it into your trunk.

"Will I be able to talk your dad out of it?" You ask.

"No," Draco says sighing.

"I'm going to my dads house and staying there. Owl me if you need anything or call," you say. You were just about to get on the train when Harry pulls you aside.

"Yn can you talk with me?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" You ask.

"Sirius-he-I-why!" Harry wailed while crying into your robes.

"What? Oh Harry! I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed.

"Please don't leave me!" Harry begs.

"I promise to never leave you," you say. "Want to stay with me?" You ask.


"Of course," you say hugging him.

"There you are! Oh why hello there, Harry," Snape says shocking Ron and Hermione.

"Hi dad!" Harry says hugging him.

"Were you acting like you hated him?" Ron asks.

"No. I was his teacher, Mr. Weasley," Snape replies engulfing you into a hug. You and Harry follow your dad into his car and then to his house.

"You know, Harry, we can memorialise Sirius by doing something he always liked," you said.

"Like what?" Harry asked.

"Causing mischief!" You say as your eyes lit up.

"How?" Harry asked.

"You'll see!" You said. Harry followed you to the broom closet as you handed him a bunch of herbs.

"What are these for? And why are we doing this?" Harry asked.

"That is for me to know and you to find out," you say skipping to your room.

"We're going to make herb bombs," you say.

"They are for?" Harry asks.

"Fun. That's all."

*Le time skip brought to you by making herb bomb potion*

"Um what are you doing?" Harry asks after two months.

"Making food why?" You ask.

"I want to know if you and Draco are on talking terms," Harry says.

"Yeah why?" You ask.

"I over heard his father talking to yours about having him marry some girl named Astoria Greengrass," Harry says.

"Oh," you says as your heart sinks deeper into your stomach.

"Well school starts soon," Harry says.

"Yeah. I know. I'll talk to him then," you say.

After a few weeks, you were boarding the train.

"Hey, Draco!" You shout waving wildly at him.

"Hi. Listen we need to talk," Draco say cutting to the chase.

"About what?" You ask.

"Us," Draco says.

"Oh no. I already foresee the end," you mutter to yourself.

"Yn, please hear me out," Draco pleads.

"Go right ahead," you say dryly.

"I love you so much but we have to break up for your safety. I know you don't support my family so I'm going to try to be apart of them until you or Harry bring the Dark Lord down. Please! I want to be with you so much and this girl, Astoria, is only a business thing. I promise you, this will end once the Dark Lord is killed. I swear to my life, that I will never hurt you again. I can't date you, because if I do you will be killed. I love you too much for you to be killed. I can't bear it if you-" Draco ends up bawling into his hands.

"I know, I love you Dray. Thank you for protecting me as much as you could. I'll be the down fall of Voldemort. Don't worry," you say with anger boiling up on the inside.

A/n: I apologise for all the broken hearts I caused, but it will get better. I promise to Merlin's Beard it will resolve!

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