The Slytherdor, My Slytherdor

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Edited May 12, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name. If you don't believe in god, just listen the to song as background noise. I like the song because of the harmonies not for the words. Hope you enjoy.

I watched with my father in-law as Yn retold the Tale of The Second Riddle. I smiled as her father walked into the classroom.

"Hello, Headmaster!" The class choruses happily.

"Hello father," Yn says kissing his forehead.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy-Riddle!" The class says as I walk into the classroom.

"Hiya daddy!" Scorpius says smiling hugging me.

"Hello my beautiful wife," I whisper in her ear.

"Hello, handsome. What's up for today?" Yn asks.

"I'd like to have a meeting with you," I respond.

"Okay," Yn sighs. I walk out of the classroom. She probably thinks that it's just some boring meeting but I haven't forgotten the biggest day of my life. I quickly pulled together all of the photos  I had of her and I and our wedding day. It's been ten years since the wedding and the I'm happy this marriage has lasted this long and hopefully longer. I sort the photos into an album where on one side there's Yn as a child and on the others there's me as a child. Then there's the photos from the wedding I put together and smiled as I flipped through the photo album. In the back section of the book, I put the baby photos of Scorpius and smiled at how happy those to looked. I finished the book and kissed it gently.

"Draco, what did you want a meeting about?" Yn asks me.

"This," I said handing her the photo album. Yn takes the book and looks at me quizzically. She opens the book and begins to look at the photos. She starts to smile at the baby pictures of both her and I. I grinned as she looked up at me smiling with tears in her eyes. I kissed her fore head before she moved on to the marriage photos. She saw the photos of both families at their happiest moments and then she was onto Scorpius's photos and grinned broadly.

"Thank you!" Yn says with tears in the corners of her eyes.

"No problem. Anything for the lovely woman I call my wife," I say kissing her.

"Hey! No stealing my lines," I hear Mr. Snape say.

"Dad! Look what my beautiful husband made for me!" Yn says smiling as she hugs Snape.

"I'm glad he's taking good care of you," Snape says. I took a photo of the two and placed it in the sector to last slot of the photo album.

*Le time skip brought to you by "Where our eyes are never closing and hearts are never broken"*

"Dad! Why is mom not here?" Scorpius asks me as we walk to the graduation ceremony.

"She would be so proud of you," I say smiling sadly.

"I miss her so much!" Scorpius whines.

"We'll, let's try to not let the absence of her tarnish your big day," I said. Scorpius sighs and walk a to the head masters seat. Since the headmaster passed a few years ago, I was anointed headmaster to fill in for Yn. It was usually when she's traveling so there was always a headmaster in Hogwarts.

I did my speech and the families started congratulating their children. Scorpius ran to me hugging me tightly.

"I can't believe I graduated!" Scorpius shouts happily. When all of the families and students left and it was just Scorpius and I, the doors burst open.

"I'm sorry I missed the graduation!" Yn wails as she runs in.

"Mom! It's fine," Scorpius mumbles.

"No it isn't fine! I will make it up to you by this," Yn says taking Scorpius's hand.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked Yn.

"Plenty sure. Scorpius, do you remember when I left the class and your grandfather taught the class in you first year?" Yn asked Scorpius. He nods.

"I put together this photo album originally for your mother, but I see a young man before me so your mother has decided to give this to you so you won't forget the family you come from," I said.

"I have loved this album for seven years and I think you should have it. If you want to add more photos, I've added more slots for you to do so. Happy graduation," Yn says as she hands Scorpius the photo album. I had set up a camera in the hallway on a timer so when we walked Scorpius out of Hogwarts for the last time, it captured the moment. I took the book from Scorpius and slid the photo in the last slot of the album so he will always remember this forever. Yn takes the album and does an anti-fallout charm so that the pictures wouldn't fall out and handed it back to Scorpius.

"Don't forget to visit us!" I call as my boy boards the train.

"And don't forget to write to us," Yn calls.

"I love you too," Scorpius shouts. "I won't forget this moment! I love you dad. And I love you mom, the Second Riddle!" Scorpius adds as the crimson smoke fills the station. I wrap my arm around Yn and sigh.

"I hope he will be okay," I say worrying.

"Dray, he will be fine. He's got a good head on his shoulders and he's got the determination to do anything he wants. Relax some will ya?" Yn says rubbing my back.

"Okay," I say kissing her gently.

"I guess I was really unable to be sorted," Yn reminisces.

"To the world, you are known as the Second Riddle, but to me you are known as my wife and the first ever Slytherdor in history. I wonder how our grandchildren'll live with that!" I say grinning. We walked to the headmasters office and Yn smiled.

"The Slytherdor. I like that. It has a nice ring to it," Yn says as we slipped behind the door. I kissed her lovingly.

"Yes you are my Slytherdor and I love you."

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