Year 3-2

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A/n: Yn=your name.

You pick up your, now increasingly, heavy bag and walk straight to the underground. On the way, that monster of a book brakes it's strap and now was trying to force its way out of the tightly jammed bag. You go to the nearest wall and travel the pipes until you collapse on to your kitchen counter. Once not dizzy, you seize the monster book and proceed to sit on it to shut it up. "I really HOPE Hagrid knows what to do with this bloody book," you growl to your self. You pick up the muffled book and retie the broken strap an wait for Snape to get home.

*Le time skip brought to you by hating the monster book*

You take a look at the clock noting that is almost time for you to get to King's Cross station. You quickly grab some extra rope to retie the book shut and dash to wake up Snape.

"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAD! WAKEUP! I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!" You shout at the top of your lungs. Your dad, Snape growled and shoves you off the bed. You scramble and race to Kings Cross alone. You see Harry and run over to him dragging along your dad and Midnight.

"Hiya Harry! What's new?" You ask. He turns around startled.

"Uh I kinda blew up a muggle woman and saw a creepy dog and stayed at the Leaky Cauldron. What about you?" Harry says.

"Well your summer sounds more eventful then mine. I still liked when we tied up dad, though," you say cheerfully. You hug Harry and then hug Hermione. You attempt to hug Ron but he turns away. You frown and hid behind Harry as a big burly man walks past you. Your dad disappeared sometime when you were talking to Harry so, it's just Harry and you. You look around for Draco but couldn't find him. You scramble after Harry and sit next to him. There's a man in the compartment you three are in. He has lots of facial scars too. Hermione sits next to the random man.

"What's his name?" Ron asks.

"Lu-pin?" You pronounce the word slowly. There's a tiny name scrawled on to the suitcase and you're squinting hard to see it.

"I think he's going to be a professor at Hogwarts," Hermione chances. You nod and Harry yawns.

"Do ya reckon he's the new DADA teacher?" Ron asks.

"Well he could be. I don't know," Harry spoke. Just then the compartment went dark and freezing. You watched the frost dance over the window pane. You rapidly look from Harry to Ron to Hermione. Hermione is frozen stiff, Ron's mouth is gaping open, and Harry's staring at the glass. You watch as hooded figures glide around the compartment. Your eyes follow one as it travels to your compartment. It uses its bony finger to open the door and glide toward Harry. Sensing danger, your run at it. When you went towards it, you felt like you were freezing but you brushed that off. You grabbed the cloak of the figure and try to drag it away. The man, whom you assumed was Lupin, leapt awake. He took out his wand and shouted something that sounded like 'accepto atrocious'. You held onto a papery leather for a second then you held on to air. Harry ran to your side as you sank to the floor. You gasp for air trying to grasp the concept of something could kill you very easily. Even though it could, you have a feeling they wouldn't. The man takes his suitcase down and hands you and Harry each a huge piece of chocolate. You, wanting to share, broke the piece into two equal pieces. You hand them to Ron and Hermione. Harry sees what you did and broke off half of his to give to you. You notice you piece was bigger than his so you tried to swap pieces. He refuses and tells you eat it.

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