Year 2-5

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

I can't be shoved aside, you think as you ran to your room. When you got there, you locked yourself in the bathroom and started talking yourself through what just happened.
"I know I sound like a total brat and I know I sound like an attention vacuum but I just needed to know that I did ok. I saved the school. It was me that would sacrifice my life to say Harry! I can't be shove aside when I would've been killed. I SAVED THE FREAKING SCHOOL IT WAS ME. ONLY. ME. NOT. HARRY. I SAVED-" you stopped to catch your breath. You know that the other students are in class so they wouldn't hear you. After the rant, you slowly let yourself out of the bathroom and crawled into you bed and silently sobbed. You finally decide to get up and change into some clean robes and get ready for detention.

*Le timeskip brought to you by author being lazy*

Soon it was time to pack up your trunk and go home. You grabbed Midnights lead and trudged to an empty compartment. You just wanted to be alone. After being in trouble for doing something that was right, you just wanted to ignore Harry. You know it's not right but maybe after a month it'll be alright. You hear the compartment door screech open. You look up to see Draco come in. He puts an arm around you.

"My mom requested you to stay at my house for the summer and Harry has to stay with Snape. You can go back once things between you and Harry have calmed down," Draco whispers. You nod your head.
Once you get to Draco's house, you immediately lock yourself in your room for two weeks. You only came out to eat and walk with Midnight in the garden. You hear a knock on your door. Sighing, you reluctantly walk over and open the door to find a very distressed and pacing Draco. He finally saw you immediately stopped pacing and hugged you. "I missed seeing you, Yn. Please just come back to the Yn we all know. You barely eat and never talk. I just need to know that my best friend-" you break free and slam the door. Best friends? I don't believe it. Draco, you don't even know what I feel about you, but you're about to find out. You quickly open the door to find a shocked Draco standing there with his mouth gaping. You were mad. Extremely mad as you snatched his arm and dragged him into the room.

"Look, I don't know what you are thinking but, I need to get this out. I know I overreacted to you saying best friends but-" you start.

"I get it. It's fine remember what I asked you the first year?" Draco cuts you off.

"Yes," you say as you blink.

"Then we are on the same terms." Draco pulled you out of your room and forced you to call Harry.

"Harry?" You ask.

"Yeah? Who is this?" Harry responds.

"Yn. Can I come home now?"

"Yn!? I thought you were dead. Of course! Please right now! Why weren't you here all of last month?" He practically screams in to the phone.

"I thought you didn't want to see me and plus I thought you hated me."

"How could I ever hate you? You did save the school."




"You there?"

"Behind you" you said tapping him on the shoulder. Harry yelped and jumped back.

"Hey, sis," Harry said, hugging you tightly.

"Hi, Harry."

"Next time we both save the school so that we can prove that we both are capable of it. And I yelled at Dumbledore because it's not fair that you did all the work and didn't get noticed." Harry mumbles in to your hair.

"It's fine. I bet it won't be the last time this happened," you say.  You grab the bags you'd packed and moved them into your room. Dad walked into the room and was about to put your Cleansweep in your closed when you entered.

"I missed my little wyvern. Will you join Harry and I?" Dad asks you.

"Defiantly," I missed you too. You scramble to cram everything you have into your bedroom and walk out. You watch Harry enter your room and follow him.

"Whatcha up to in my room?" You ask, startling him.

"Oh I was just gonna use the bathroom. It's also my room too," Harry explains.

"Ah. Well I'll get mail Hedwig brought. We should be getting our letters by now," you state. You exit the room for the second time and drop by the mail slot. You pick both your letter and Harry's letter for next year's supplies. You read yours and saw that you needed yet another DADA teacher. Walking back to your room you hear Harry yelling on the phone about something.

"Just because you have the emotional range of a doorknob, you twat, doesn't mean Yn isn't allowed to see shut up, ding-bomb!...Be quiet. I'm talking to you, Mr. My-father-will-hear-about-this..........fine poop-head" Harry yells on the phone. I bet it's Malfoy, you chance. You see Harry pacing the room and hug-attack him. Harry screams into the phone as you scare him.

"WHAT THE MERLIN'S BEARD!!WHY DID YOU SCREAM IN MY EAR?! I COULD'VE GONE DEAF!!" Comes a rapid-fire response from the other side. You'd snatched the phone from Harry so he screamed into your ear.

"Miss me?" You ask.

"No I hate-Yn?" Draco asks.


"Oh, two seconds-"

"I know. I wanted to say hi!"

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Black broke out of Azkaban."

"Yeah. I knew that."

"He could be anywhere so just be careful. Okay?"

"Yep. I will."

"No. Siriusly," You say nothing and press hang up. A sinking feeling flooded into your stomach. You turn to see Harry pacing back and forth. He looks up.

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