Year 7-18 Part 1

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name. Also this is all going to a conversation hence the reason this is part one because my friend challenged me to write a chapter (almost) only in dialogue. Have fun! -R. W.

You and Harry finish the meal and you got to the bathroom to find a working shower.

"Yn, what are your thoughts about Ginny?" Harry asks.

"I thought you liked her?" You asked.

"I do. It's just I wanna see her with what others say too."

"I think she's brilliant. She cares deeply for you and overall be patient with her."


"Yep. Impatient can wear out love faster than a fan belt."

"Fan belt?"

"The most delicate and important part of a car anatomy."

"Oh, what were you saying?"

"That being impatient will wear out a relationship fast."


"I also like Ginny, she really smart too."

"Her smarts are astounding. You know who the half blood prince is?"

"No. Who or what is it?"



"Yeah Snape's the half blood prince! Ginny helped me a lot."

"She found the book and then figured out who it was?"


"Were you completely clueless during the whole time she was there?"


"Proved my point. What made you interested in her?"

"Well when she stood up to the Malfoys in the bookstore in our second year."

"Really?! For that long?"

"Yeah. I know it's crazy. But I guess love works in odd ways."

"Well I guess you know how much you really love her. I bet you miss her not that your not by her side."

"Yeah. I wonder if she misses me at all."

"I bet she does. Unlike Draco."

"Hey warned you I did about changing him."

"I know, Fawkes, but-"

"Be good he war over. Wait and just see."

"I just want to be by his side. I can change him. I know I can!"

"Don't think to hard on it Yn, he may not want to change."

"That too, Harry, I'm just stuck wishing that he does want to change."

"I know, Yn. Oh. Storm actually likes Fawkes."

"I know. That's so cute! Storm has Fawkes in her paws and protectively is wrapped around him."

"I find it adorable."

"Oh well, I guess I should head to bed."


"You want to talk more?"

"I'm tired."

"I'm not."

"Then deal with it."

"Nuuu! I wanna talk!"

"Harry, are you? Are you high?"

"No. I'm high not you are."

"Thanks Fawkes."

"Fawkes is asleep. That was me."

"So you can understand him."

"No not fully. He talks so fast!"

"Hug! Chiuso suas! Sie sont tako 迷惑な(Meiwakuna!) 我恨你!! (Wǒ hèn nǐ!!)."

"What the hell?" Harry asks.

"Fawkes are you really asleep?"

"Anymore not."

"Why did you you use som many languages?"

"Cuz wanted I to."

"What'd he say?"

"Hey (Irish)! Shut (Italian) up (Scottish Gaelic)! You (German) are (French) so (Croatian) annoying (Japanese)! I hate you (Chinese)! That's a lot of languages to come out of your mouth at this ungodly hour."

"Is breá liom tú."

"Ich liebe dich."

"What are you saying?"

"I love you."

"I love you sis."

"No, well yes I love you but you asked what Fawkes and I said."

"จริงๆคุณจะโง่ (Cring«khuṇ ca ngò)."


"Geezus! No need to be shouting! He just said 'you really are stupid' in Thai."

"Great. I see a very long future with this bird!"

"Not insult do me."

"Do you?!"

"No, he said do not insult me."

"Good. I was about to say."

"Brain your-zzzz"

"Well Fawkes is down. Two left."

"He what about was to-"

"Your brain isn't connected. I can see why."

"I don't-uggh! Me head hurt-hahahaha!"

"Okay, laughing loon. You see this is why we don't have deep meaningful conversations at three in the morning. Now if I were you, we have a long day a head of us and I'm going to slurp."


"Go to sleep!"

A/n: I admit. I was at a loss of ideas so I just started writing random things to fill the chapter. Sorry if it ended up completely out of order or made no sense. You were tired and Harry wouldn't shut it.

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