Year 5-5

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"Harry?! What are you doing here?" You ask.

"I...I got in detention?" Harry says in more of a questioning tone.

"You both quiet down. I expect better of you, Mudblood," Umbridge gloats.

"I have a name," you growl.

"I'm not sorry," Umbridge says.

"Oh, you will be," you growl.

"Fine, what is your name? You insolent girl!" Umbidge snaps.

"My name is Yn Riddle, thank you very much," you said.

"Ooh! I'm soo scared!" Umbridge says sarcastically.

"Oh, heard of my name?" You ask.


"You went to school with him."


"Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Oh yeah him. What about him?"

"Also known as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."


"Or aka Voldemort."

"How are you his sister?"

"Long story short. He blasted himself into me when I was put into Snape house and other weird stuff," you say.

"You, Riddle, know what to write and you, Potter, will write 'I must not tell lies'. Begin now," Umbridge says.

"Um, Professor, where is the ink? And how much should I write?" Harry asks.

"You won't be needing any and as much as sinks in," Umbridge says kindly.

"Uh, okay," Harry says sitting down.

After two hours of scratching at the paper, Harry got up.

"Can't do it?" You ask.

"It hurts! My hand hurts so much!" Harry whimpers.

"I should probably stop too," you said getting up.

"Done," Umbridge asks.

"Ye-yeah," you gasp out holding your bloody hand.

"Good see you tomorrow, Riddle," Umbridge says. You walk the deserted hallway back to your room.

"Hello, now can you stay?" Draco says startling you.

"Wow, I'd thought you were asleep," you say.

"I waited because I miss you," Draco whines.

"Oh, okay. After FOUR MONTHS?!" You yell.

"Yn, please I'm under pressure," Draco says.

"What pressure?" You ask.

"I-I' days are counted but the Dark Lord. My dad has messed up by being his right hand man," Draco says.

"So it is who I think it was," you say.

"What?" Draco asks.

"Who's the little fat guy with rat like buck teeth. I think it was something along petticoats?" You said.

"Who? Pettigrew?"

"Yeah! That's who!" You shout startling Draco.

"What's the relevance?" Draco asks.

"He told me not to shout at his Lord."


"His Lord isn't just any Lord. His Lord is my brother."

"Uh oh," Draco looked nervous.

"Why are you nervous?" You ask.

"He'll try to hurt me to get to you," Draco explains.

"Like Umbridge. I see. It won't happen," you assure.

"I can't make it," Draco says panicking.

"Make what?" You ask.

"I have to become a Death Eater," Draco says.

"Don't! I'll work something out. You work against the death eaters and I will be the down fall of the Dark Lord," you say.

"I will do my best. My father, you know," Draco says wrapping his arms around you.

"I can't think about this tonight," you say, sighing.

"Cuddle?" Draco suggests.

"Yeas! I'm in need of a cuddle," you say lying down on the bed. Draco comes up behind you and wraps his arm around you and kisses you on the forehead as you both drift off to sleep. Draco starts stroking your hair while you listen to Draco's heartbeat.

A/n: I will take matters into my own hands. Just wait and feel free to pm if you've got questions.

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