Year 6-4

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Edited May 10, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

"Don't be harsh on Dumbledore, Yn," Snape warns.

"I know but Harry's under a lot of pressure. I really wonder if he is the downfall of Voldemort. I wish I was," you said.

"I don't have a clue about Potter. I want both of you safe but I would leave my life in Dumbledore hands. I'd trust him with anything except you. You are too special to be given to Dumbledore," Snape says.

"I hope Harry is safe," you say walking into the Gryffindor common room.

"Yn! Ron's asked Lavender out!" Hermione says the next day.

"And?" You ask.

"He dating her!" Hermione says crying into her hands.

"Hey, it'll be all right. I bet you will be fine," you said comforting her.

"He's poisoned too," Hermione says.

"Oh, well that adds a new layer to the problem, er where is he?" You ask.

"In the infirmary. Can you come?" Hermione asks.

"Of course," you say following her out of the room.

"Why is she here?" A girl with soft brown locks says.

"I would ask the same of you," you respond.

"I happen to be his girlfriend," the girl says.

"I happen to be his...friend," Hermione says dejectedly.

"If you're his girlfriend, why is he mouthing Hermione?" You spat at the girl. She runs off crying while you laugh.

"Er-my-oh-knee! Er-my-oh-knee! Elp ee!" Ron struggles to get out.

"Ron! It's okay. I'm right here," Hermione says.

"This is my cue to leave," you whisper slipping out of the door.

"Draco, I know this is hard for you bet please, I can help," you hear your father say. You peek around the wall to see Snape confronting Draco. Draco shakes his head and runs to the bathroom. Minutes later Snape is told to go in there. Seconds later Draco is carry out on a stretcher.

"Dad, what happened?" You question.

"Sectumsempra, Harry nearly killed Draco," your father replies.

"Is it true? Will he marry Astoria?" You ask.

"No. Not that I know of. Why?"

"His father was talking to you about it."

"Oh, that? No I was making a deal that involved Astoria. I will make sure you get a happy ending," Snape says.

"DEATH EATERS IN HOGWARTS! STUDENTS GO TO YOUR HOUSES!" An alarm blares. You rush passed your father and race to the astronomy tower only to find the Dark Mark floating above the grounds.

"And now, we will run the school! I will have Harry Potter and my lovely sister. They must be around here soon," Voldemort's voice rings out.

"Harry stay here," Dumbledore's voice says behind you.

"Dumbledore? Harry? What going on?" You ask.

"I'm afraid he has come," Dumbledore says.

"Who's the 'he' in this statement?" You ask.

"Draco," Dumbledore says.

"Draco? What about him?" You ask.

"Don't move!" Draco's voice shouts.

"Draco! Stop! You don't know what you're doing! Have you lost your mind?!" You shout. Draco turns his blood-shot eyes to look at you.

"You don't understand. I have to to this," Draco says. He loosens his left sleeve to reveal a skull and serpent coming out of its mouth.

"It's really true," you say as your voice falters.

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