Year 2-1

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name. Year two now begins and you are 12. Enjoy.

You loved spending your summer at the Grangers. Harry and you agreed that the Grangers were the second family. At the end of the second month, Ron and you were now getting the hang of the muggle world. You, now, know how a car works. It's not magic, it's gasoline. You thought that was cool. Ron thought the money system for the muggle world was amazing, but then again he was poor so, it was cool to him. One night you heard the Malfoy's former house elf, Dobby, talking to Harry. Dobby was saying that Harry couldn't go to school because there was danger. Once you heard that, your heart froze. You knew something bad would happen, but then again, when has something good happen at school. Harry and Hermione ended up going to the Burrow or Ron's house for protection. You were sent to Draco's house, much to Harry's disappointment. Draco's dad had a house elf, Cager, bring you so he wouldn't have to go. Narcissa came along to drive and make sure Cager didn't kill you. You later found out, Cager drives like a drunk high on acid and cannabis. In other words, Cager can't drive safely. You were standing out side the Granger household, when a slick black and green snake decor limousine pulled up. Cager came out and opened the door to the limousine and you hugged Mr. and Mrs. Granger for that last time this summer. You entered the tinted windowed limo with Midnight and watched the house full of love.

*le time skip brought to by Cager's horrendous driving*

You entered the Malfoy Manor and was greeted by a heated argument between Lucius and your dad. Midnight whimpered, whined, and snapped at Lucius. Lucius stepped back and noticed you were at the manor.

"Welcome the Malfoy Manor, Yn, I'll have Cager show you to your room," Lucius said, walking down the hall. Your father walked up and kissed your forehead.

"Where's Harry?" He asked.

"With the Weasleys. Why?" You asked.

"Tell him next summer and all the summers after, he will stay with us. I miss my little wyvern so much. I didn't contact you because you'll have to teach me how to use a pone after I get a new one. I got mad at it and smashed the one I had," your father explained.

"It pronounced fone. Spelled p-h-o-n-e. Oh, yes! Thanks daddy! You're the best!" You said as you hugged your dad. You're so stoked that Harry will stay with you because you finally will live with your brother. You're so happy!

"Miss, let me show you to your quarters. After me?" Cager said beaconing me to follow. You chased after the elf because his gate is too fast. You stand in the hallway with Midnight wondering where the heck Cager went because the house is made up of mazes. You keep walking to the right because Midnight caught Cager's scent, but quickly disappears when your and Midnight got to the end of the hall. You back pace thinking you'd taken a wrong turn but found yourself at the dead end. You take a deep breath, slightly frustrated and punch the wall. Cager appears out of the wall with a shocked expression.

"Miss, why would you punch the door? You could've knocked," Cager said. You glance at the wall, a door appears out of no where. You entered the room and see the whole room was dressed to you're liking. A bright wallpaper and sunlight shining into the room.

*le time skip brought to you by Sprinkles!*

After the last month of being in the Malfoy
Manor, it was time to head back to the school. You get ready for the Diagon Alley. You walk out into the hallway to see Draco for the first time this year. You assumed he was busy this summer with Pureblood business. You walk down to greet him.

"Yn! By Merlin's beard! You're beautiful!" Draco sputters. His grey eyes widened.

"I could say the same for you except you're handsome. Why wear black sleeve shirt and long black pants? We are going to school not a funeral," you say.

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