Year 4-2

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

As you walk in, you are greeted by a cheerful redheaded woman of a knowledgable and a respectable age. She notices you right away and engulfs you in a warm motherly hug. Even though you prefer Narcissa's hugs, this was a good change. Narcissa was like a steel trap. It made you feel safe, but it was cold. Mrs. Weasley was like a cool breeze dancing across a field of tall grass gently caressing each blade. You smile and hug her back.

"I'm Molly Weasley, Ron's mother. I've heard all about you. You know, Ron's told me all about you and Harry has too," she announced then winked. You smiled and helped her with the kitchen and house work.

*Le time skip brought to you by The Burrow's troll*

Now it was time to go back to school, you reluctantly pack your trunk, take one look around Ginny's room, and trudged to the door. You and the Weasley family pile into the new Ford Angela and drive to the train station.

*Le time brought to you by smashing through a pillar between platforms 9 and 10*

When you finally board the Hogwarts Express, you immediately grab Ron's hand and pull him into an empty compartment.

"You okay?" Ron asks.

"Yeah. I just have a bad feeling about this year. I just have a haunch about something's wrong and it started from that competition," you respond. Ron responds by kissing you gently and rubbed your back. Harry and Hermione enter the compartment as well.

"Hey lovebirds," Harry said. "What's up?" Ron turns crimson and you kick Harry.

"Nothing much. Just thinking," you respond. "What about you?"

"We have some news..." Hermione trails off.

"Whats the news?" Harry asks.

"Harry have you forgotten? You know?" Hermione glares. Harry finally realized what she was hinting. He face-palms and Hermione shakes her head.

"Oh yeah, we're dating too?" Harry says more in a questioning tone.

"So do you like each other?" You ask.

"Yeah. I like Hermione's smarts and logic and her strong willingness," Harry gushes.

"I like Harry's train of thought and his compassion," Hermione responds. "Why'd you ask?"

"I wanted to know if you really care about each other because some people date just because their friends are or for the sake of it," you say.

"I agree. I'd rather date someone I actually care about rather then do it for the sake of it," Ron announced. You noticed Harry and Hermione holding hands but they don't look happy. You made a mentor note of that as the train pulled into the Hogwarts station. As you got in to the carriage, you noticed a winged creature pulling the carriage. It looked like a cross between a horse and a bat and it was very skeletal. You also decided to take note of it.

*Le time skip brought to you by a carriage drawn by a crossbred horse-bat thing*

You enter the Great Hall and is forced to part with Ron, Hermione, and Harry to sit at the dreary Slytherin table. You see a gigantic cup in the center of the Great Hall and right as Dumbledore is about to explain what it was, the doors slammed open. All the heads turned to see a bunch of boys dances their way in and occasionally banging the walking sticks on the floor. Cheers erupted when one of the boys was recognized as the one and only Victor Krum. All the Quiddich fans wanted him to sit at their houses tables, but he chose to sit next to you. You glance at the teachers table to notice yet another DADA teacher.

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