Year 1-8

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Edited May 9, 2017.
A/n: Yn=your name.

After Harry succeeded in defeating Voldemort, you and Harry were sent home for summer vacation. You walked to the platform with Midnight as the students head home. Harry is now a huge deal in the wizard world. Where as you are still unknown. You trudge up the steps and take a glance at the school knowing you'd soon return. You will miss the school.
*le time skip brought to you by Midnight*
You sit down in a train booth and pop in your earphones. Midnight lies down at your feet. You change in to muggle clothing to go live with the Dursleys. You will live with Harry since you am his sister. You wonder how your dad, Professor Snape, will fair when You are gone. You hope in to go back with Harry after a month. Maybe you can save him for his "horrible relatives".  You look up to see Draco come into the booth followed by Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Draco sits between you and Harry as Ron and Hermione sit across from you and Draco.

"Harry, why did we have to be in the same compartment as Draco?" Ron asks nervously.

"Because I want to be with my sister that's why," Harry responds. Draco looked extremely uncomfortable at the sight of 'Mudblood' Hermione. You watch as Draco shifts his weight every now and then. He finally settles down and leans his head on your shoulder. From experience, you know Draco is the deepest sleeper on the face of the planet. When he falls asleep, nothing could wake him. You think back to when you told him about the prearranged marriage with his family. You weren't supposed to know until the summer, but you had over heard Professor Snape talking to Lucius Malfoy about it in the middle of the school year. You like Draco, you won't lie, but only as a brother. You can't say in the future, but now, all you see him as is a brother figure.

"How do you stand Draco, Yn?" Hermione asks you, disrupting your thoughts.

"He's pretty cool once you get to know him. I guess he just has to act tougher then he is because of his dad," you respond.

"I guess you could say that. Right now he looks like he can be nice," Ron said. Harry got up and sat opposite of you so that Hermione was in the middle.

"What do you think of Professor Snape?" Harry asks.

"He's mean and strict. I hate him," Ron whined.

"That's because you don't do the homework, Ronald," Hermione said. "I don't mind him. He just puts up a front because that's how his students know him. But when he is around Yn, he gets very gentle and even cracks jokes."

"I don't mind him but he just acts as if he hates me, I didn't do anything!" Harry yelled. Draco jolts awake and groggily blinks his eyes. He glares and Harry, for disrupting his sleep and nuzzles his head against your shoulder.

"Sorry Draco, I didn't mean to wake you up," Harry apologizes.

"It's fine, you pureblood trash!" Draco grumbled, though it was muffled by you t-shirt. Hermione looks at you and Draco and giggled.

"What's funny?" You asked.

"Oh, Draco looks so comfortable with you. And he isn't that venomous as he could be. Right, Ron?" Hermione states.

"Yeah, I'll agree," Ron mumbled.

"Just be lucky he just woke up. He would've killed us if he was wide awake," you chuckle.

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